Why saving failed with following code

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wendy, Apr 6, 2005.

  1. wendy

    wendy Guest

    Hi, I wrote following code to query some tables (sybase)

    sqlStr = "SELECT r.Desk, r.LimitSubGroup, l.LimitName, r.RealDataColumnShift," & _
    " l.ReportType, r.Column, r.RowNum, s.Value" & _
    " FROM ReportTemplate r, LimitDefinition l, RiskRptDetails s" & _
    " WHERE r.SheetName = 'CreditDeltaDetail' " & _
    " AND r.TemplateName='GFM.xlt' " & _
    " AND s.PositionDate='" & Format(positionDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'" & _
    " AND r.LimitId = l.LimitId" & _
    " AND l.ReportType not in('DeskID')" & _
    " AND r.Desk = s.Grouping" & _
    " AND r.LimitSubGroup = s.SubGroup" & _
    " AND r.LimitId = s.LimitId"

    rstData.Open sqlStr, dbconn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly
    Then I clicked save button for this VBAproject, I got error message saying "Excel cannot save this file" and excel renamed my worksheet to temporay name such as E03F0190.

    Finally I changed above code to

    sqlStr = "SELECT r.Desk, r.LimitSubGroup, l.LimitName, r.RealDataColumnShift," & _
    " l.ReportType, r.Column, r.RowNum, s.Value" & _
    " FROM ReportTemplate r, LimitDefinition l, RiskRptDetails s" & _
    " WHERE r.SheetName = 'CreditDeltaDetail' AND r.TemplateName='GFM.xlt'" & _
    " AND s.PositionDate='" + positionDateStr + "'" & _
    " AND r.LimitId = l.LimitId" & _
    " AND r.Desk = s.Grouping" & _
    " AND r.LimitSubGroup = s.SubGroup" & _
    " AND r.LimitId = s.LimitId"

    rstData.Open sqlStr, dbconn, adOpenKeyset, adLockReadOnly

    And excel allowed saving this time.

    Is this because sqlStr is too large? I checked String limit(2^16). sqlStr is definitely within that limit. So what's wrong with the first sqlStr?

    Thanks a lot
    wendy, Apr 6, 2005
  2. wendy

    Ed Jobe Guest

    You might try Debug>Compile to see if there were any compile errors. Also,
    I've run into occasions where I had too many line continuation characters. I
    don't remember what the limit was though.

    "Excel cannot save this file" and excel renamed my worksheet to temporay
    name such as E03F0190.
    is definitely within that limit. So what's wrong with the first sqlStr?
    Ed Jobe, Apr 6, 2005
  3. Try the following and see if it makes any difference.

    sqlStr = "SELECT r.Desk, r.LimitSubGroup, l.LimitName,
    r.RealDataColumnShift, _
    l.ReportType, r.Column, r.RowNum, s.Value _
    FROM ReportTemplate r, LimitDefinition l, RiskRptDetails s _
    WHERE (r.SheetName = 'CreditDeltaDetail' _
    AND r.TemplateName='GFM.xlt' _
    AND s.PositionDate='" & Format(positionDate, "mm/dd/yyyy") & "'
    AND r.LimitId = l.LimitId _
    AND l.ReportType not in('DeskID') _
    AND r.Desk = s.Grouping _
    AND r.LimitSubGroup = s.SubGroup _
    AND r.LimitId = s.LimitId)"
    Jorge Jimenez, Apr 7, 2005
  4. wendy

    bcoward Guest


    Are you hitting an Access database?

    bcoward, Apr 7, 2005
  5. wendy

    wendy Guest

    Thanks a lot for replying. I am accessing an Sybase database. It is not line continuation problem. The limit for line continuation is 25. Is there any limit for query size? Does VBA has size limit for module?
    wendy, Apr 7, 2005
  6. wendy

    wendy Guest

    Thanks a lot. The line continuation limit is 25. I cannot use Debug >compile to check since it crashed too. I am wondering if there are any limit for query size? Any limit for module size?
    wendy, Apr 7, 2005
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