Why no NURBS in SW

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Arthur Y-S, Oct 27, 2003.

  1. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    Your really have a great sense of imagination.

    Care to point out where the ISO standard for "hybrid modeling"
    or "hack and whack modeling" can be found ???

    Or... Is it more like we must all except *your definitions*
    as the definitive definitions.



    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  2. Thanks, but no bs or ideology pushing on my examples, just reality from
    actually using 3D modeling tools and making product with those 3D tools
    for 15 years.

    And you?.... maybe you could run a iso demo CD and spin cycle in your
    moshposh hack and whack hybrid demo philosophy then cut/paste articles
    from other companies and promote them as if they were always your
    Nevermind, you do that all the time, my bad.

    Now, please go away.

    Paul Salvador, Oct 28, 2003
  3. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest


    Always glad to help. ;>)


    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  4. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    So because I use another program that proves what? notice that i said
    99%....which if you do the math means that there is a 1% open to do
    something outside of SW. WOW did you see that...logic that makes sense.
    OMG...I think I am going to sheit my pants because hopefully I am starting
    to get through that warpped brain of yours...Jon.

    So by your logic...a hack and wack programs that tried to do too much of
    everything and falls short of anything?

    Now as a solid modeler, SW is and has been head and hands above the rest.
    Now rather than resting on just that, they decided to implement some new
    functionality into the progra... Surfacing. Heaven forbid they try to
    implement something new. In your world they should only do one thing and be
    happy with that . They should never make any chnages. So I ask you this,
    Jon, why not try to something new? What is wrong with the company adding in
    something that their customers have asked for? Did they get 100% of it
    right? maybe not. Have they made progress towards making the features
    better, most definately.

    Why dont you show me a program that offers as much as SW for the same price
    point that is a better so called "hybrid" modeler. Remember that they have
    to offer EVERYTHING that SW does, and has gives me exactly what you say SW
    does wrong. (and if you say think3, I will kick you in the azz all the way
    from over here in NY)

    When did SW say that their only competition is Autodesk? If that was said,
    more than likely it was by some marketer trying to hype the program. I
    challenge you to find the top 3 companies. Find out who is selling the most
    seats world wide. See who comes out on top. Here let me help you out....
    Pro/E, IV, SE, SW, Rhino, and Alias. If I missed one, you let me know.
    Arthur Y-S, Oct 28, 2003
  5. Arthur Y-S

    mikemcdermid Guest

    just out of interest why would you need nurbs in solidworks
    mikemcdermid, Oct 28, 2003
  6. Arthur Y-S

    MM Guest


    Just for the record Parasolid is based on NURBS math, so you already have

    What you don't have is the ability to manipulate individual (or groups) of
    the control points that drive the shape.

    This function is most usefull in designing curvy industrial shapes. If all
    you do is mechanical design, you would (most likely) never have a use for


    MM, Oct 28, 2003
  7. Arthur Y-S

    mold.dude Guest


    You can't reason with a lunatic. Turn on your kill filter.
    The only time I see posts from JB or CH is when somebody "credible" gets into a debate with them.

    Ken B.
    mold.dude, Oct 28, 2003
  8. Arthur Y-S

    Scott Guest

    If you want Nurbs to play with then you should look at www.baren-boym.com

    Scott, Oct 28, 2003
  9. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    "So because I use another program that proves what? notice
    that i said 99%....which if you do the math means that there
    is a 1% open to do something outside of SW. WOW did you see

    What I see is someone (you) who has numerous problems with
    SolidWorks and out of frustration keeps posting about those
    problems in this newsgroup. What I see is you having to
    depend more and more on something like Rhino to get the job

    "So by your logic...a hack and wack programs that tried to
    do too much of everything and falls short of anything?

    Hack and whack means that surface and solid tools are not
    properly integrated and that the approach to modeling is often
    awkward to use and frequently requires bizarre and non-
    intuitive methods to get the job done.

    A seamless, unified, hybrid modeler is just the opposite.

    "Now as a solid modeler, SW is and has been head and hands
    above the rest. Now rather than resting on just that, they
    decided to implement some new functionality into the
    progra... Surfacing"

    Creating a solid only modeler has now proven to be absolutely
    the wrong way to approach to take.

    UG .... seamless, unified, hybrid.
    CATIA .... seamless, unified, hybrid.
    VX's Vision... seamless, unified, hybrid.

    "Heaven forbid they try to implement something new. In your
    world they should only do one thing and be happy with that .
    They should never make any chnages."

    Proof ???

    Care to quote me where I have said anything to backup what
    you state above ????


    "Why dont you show me a program that offers as much as SW
    for the same price point that is a better so called "hybrid"
    modeler. Remember that they have to offer EVERYTHING that SW
    does, and has gives me exactly what you say SW does wrong.
    (and if you say think3, I will kick you in the azz all the
    way from over here in NY)"

    I have many times.

    You can lead a horse to water but you can't force him to drink. :>)

    At this point my sincerest hope it that you stay with
    SolidWorks and keep getting more and more frustrated. I like
    to see posts from SolidWorks users who have had enough.
    IMO, very helpful in getting the needed changes. The more
    the better.

    "When did SW say that their only competition is Autodesk?"

    Try using Google and reading the pasts posts to this
    newsgroup or reading something like UpFronteZine

    Hope this helped,

    jon banquer, Oct 28, 2003
  10. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Jon, I posted once in another group....read...ONE TIME.... I had a question.
    OMG heaven forbid I post a question.

    Nothing is perfect. You act like there is some program that is perfect and
    has no problems what so ever. If there is one you show me. UG and CATIA are

    Proof???? Everytime you post is proof of that you are trying to poke a hole
    in SW. What I and everyone else dont understand is that if you dont like the
    program DONT POST HERE. Stop trying to get others to feel like you. The
    reason why ppl post here is so that we can discuss problems and figure out a
    possible solution. I would say that 85% of the time there is an answer. Is
    it always convient, not always. Does it work...yes.
    Arthur Y-S, Oct 29, 2003
  11. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    Everytime you post is proof of that you are trying to poke a hole
    Is it necessary to try and "poke a hole" in something that already
    leaks like a sieve ?

    Isn't the idea to fix the holes ?

    BTW, how about giving thinkdesign / thinkshape a try ? I think
    you might like it. ;>)

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  12. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    when we do industrial design curvy we use alias studio tools which
    Who's cliff ?


    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  13. Arthur Y-S

    mikemcdermid Guest

    hey thanks for that i use solidworks primarily for mechanical design
    which is what it is pretty good at when we do industrial design curvy
    we use alias studio tools which i was told was the best surfacer out

    that was really the reasoning for the question why would you need
    nurbs in solidworks solidworks from what ive seen is not an a class
    surfacing app so why use it as such

    cliff really does make me lol i read his posts and think hes verging
    on genius
    mikemcdermid, Oct 29, 2003
  14. Arthur Y-S

    MM Guest


    The biggest problem with using a surface styling program, for product
    design, is that you can't complete the "whole" design with it. Things like
    bosses, ribs, mechanical attacments, etc, are impractical in such systems
    for many reasons. Whether you use Alias or Rhino for styling, you still have
    to import the shape data into another system to complete it. This breaks the
    continuity of the data, and makes many things (like design changes) clumsy
    and hard to manage.

    Ideally, you want to use the same system for all phases of a design. This is
    why so many people are asking for this capability inside SW.


    MM, Oct 29, 2003
  15. Arthur Y-S

    Michael Guest

    Not to rain on your unemployed parade Cliff but we established that
    you have also never bought any CAM software in alt.machines.cnc. You
    were an aerospace worker who rode the US Governments gravy train for a
    long time before you became unemployed. If you are gonna dish BS out
    about other people, be prepared to hear the truth back about yourself.
    What part of what I just said NOT true?
    You whine is so damned old by now Cliff. PLEASE, get some new material.

    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 29, 2003
  16. Arthur Y-S

    Arthur Y-S Guest

    Jon re-read this again. You ignorant fool

    I dont need to know any more about your think3 sales pitch, I have seen
    it,tried it, and it is not for me. The experience that I had with the
    left such a bad taste in my mouth that I would rather go back to drafting
    than use it. They offered me a trial version of the program for 3 months and
    after the 3 months they wanted to charge me for it, even though I told them
    that I did not want to use it. The next month I see a charge on the credit
    card from them. Will not get into specifics but damm short of flying to CA
    to beat their azz, is alomost what it took to get them to give me the $$$

    Now cut the shit and stay out of this. You dont like SW, you dont contribute
    positively to the NG so stay the hell out. There is no reason for you to
    Arthur Y-S, Oct 29, 2003
  17. into a debate with them.

    Jean Marc BRUN, Oct 29, 2003
  18. Arthur Y-S

    jon banquer Guest

    Jon re-read this again. You....

    I stopped right about here. :>)

    Your really should try thinkdesign / thinkshape, Art.

    I think you will love it !

    jon banquer, Oct 29, 2003
  19. Arthur Y-S

    JJ Guest

    The best you can do is filter and ignore them. Of course, you still get the
    echoes unless everyone joins in but it really does take the edge off.

    My guess is that the guy simply has nothing better to do with his time.
    Cliff too. They live to see their own posts and peoples' reactions to them.
    Can you imagine investing this much time posting to a NG for a product that
    you don't even use? These guys have serious problems. Obsessive, useless,
    and pathetic.

    JJ, Oct 29, 2003
  20. Arthur Y-S

    Michael Guest

    Since becoming unemployed/unemployable some years ago, your ONLY
    purpose in life is to antagonize people that you feel comfortable
    picking on. Typical TROLL behavior.
    FWIW folks, Cliff is a current Win95 power user.

    Michael Gailey
    Artistic CNC Mill, Router and Engraver Programming
    3D modeling for Product Design and Development
    Michael, Oct 29, 2003
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