why is wipeout.arx not loaded?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by MRL, Jan 4, 2004.

  1. MRL

    MRL Guest


    In my routine i load the file wipeout.arx
    but when i'm checking (arx) it is not there?

    i use routine maskdimtext but it fails. Maybe because wipeout.arx is not
    loaded. What goes wrong?


    (defun wipeoutp ()
    (if (< (atof (getvar "ACADVER")) 16)
    ;; AutoCAD 2000, 2000i en 2002
    (if (member "wipeout.arx" (arx))
    (if (findfile "wipeout.arx")
    (arxload (findfile "wipeout.arx") nil)
    (prompt "Error: bestand WIPEOUT.ARX niet gevonden.")
    ;; else
    (if (member "acwipeout.arx" (arx))
    (if (findfile "acwipeout.arx")
    (arxload (findfile "acwipeout.arx") nil)
    (prompt "Error: bestand ACWIPEOUT.ARX niet gevonden.")

    MRL, Jan 4, 2004
  2. MRL

    ECCAD Guest

    Is file: acwipeout.arx in 'support' path to load?.
    (arxload (findfile "acwipeout.arx") nil)
    You may want to add the 'path' i.e.
    (arxload (findfile "c:/mypath/acwipeout.arx") nil)

    ECCAD, Jan 4, 2004
  3. MRL

    MRL Guest

    Hello ECCAD,

    Yes, it is found. (if checked it)
    But still got this problem!

    MRL, Jan 4, 2004
  4. MRL

    MRL Guest

    Hello ECCAD,

    Sorry. Forgot to told you that i work with R15 = wipeout.arx
    That's where the bug is.

    MRL, Jan 4, 2004
  5. MRL

    Paco Jones Guest

    On Sun, 04 Jan 2004 19:57:04 +0100, MRL
    I got this lisp routine to work on 2004 by deleting the references to
    wipeout.arx (see below)... it may not be good programming, but it
    works for me.
    ;;global function
    ;;test function to see if AcWipeout.arx is available
    (defun C:MaskDimText ( / cecho oldlyr ent flag outer
    ;;local functions
    ;;; Purpose: draws a lwpolyline rectangle to enclose an MTEXT entity
    ;;; Parameter: entity name of MTEXT entity
    ;;; External function: lwrect to draw the rectangle
    (defun boxmtext (ename / mtxtnt p10 h ang1 delta d1 boxang boxdia
    attach vec p1 p3 hor vert)
    (setq mtxtnt (entget ename)
    p10 (cdr (assoc 10 mtxtnt))
    h (cdr (assoc 40 mtxtnt))
    hor (cdr (assoc 42 mtxtnt))
    vert (cdr (assoc 43 mtxtnt))
    ang1 (cdr (assoc 50 mtxtnt))
    attach (cdr (assoc 71 mtxtnt))
    vec (getvar "UCSXDIR")
    ang1 (+ (atan (cadr vec) (car vec)) ang1)
    delta (/ h 2);adjust as req'd
    d1 (+ hor (* 2 delta))
    boxang (atan (+ vert (* 2 delta)) d1)
    boxdia (* (/ 1 (cos boxang)) d1)
    (cond ((= attach 1);top left
    (setq p1 (polar p10 (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2) ang1) (+ vert delta))))
    ((= attach 2);top center
    (setq p1
    (polar (polar p10 (+ pi ang1) (/ hor 2)) (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2)
    ang1) (+ vert delta))))
    ((= attach 3);top right
    (setq p1
    (polar (polar p10 (+ pi ang1) hor) (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2) ang1) (+
    vert delta))))
    ((= attach 4);middle left
    (setq p1 (polar p10 (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2) ang1) (+ (/ vert 2)
    ((= attach 5);middle center
    (setq p1
    (polar (polar p10 (+ pi ang1) (/ hor 2)) (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2)
    ang1) (+ (/ vert 2) delta))))
    ((= attach 6);middle right
    (setq p1
    (polar (polar p10 (+ pi ang1) hor) (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2) ang1) (+
    (/ vert 2) delta))))
    ((= attach 7) ;bottom left
    (setq p1 (polar p10 (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2) ang1) delta)))
    ((= attach 8);bottom center
    (setq p1
    (polar (polar p10 (+ pi ang1) (/ hor 2)) (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2)
    ang1) delta)))
    ((= attach 9);bottom right
    (setq p1
    (polar (polar p10 (+ pi ang1) hor) (+ (/(* 3 pi) 2) ang1)
    p1 (polar p1 (+ pi ang1) delta)
    p3 (polar p1 (+ boxang ang1) boxdia)
    (lwrect p1 p3 ang1 (getvar "CLAYER") 256 (getvar "CELTYPE"))
    ;;; Purpose: draws a lightweight polyline rectangle
    ;;; Params: p1,p3 - WCS points at opposite corners
    ;;; rotate - rotation angle of selected axis in radians
    ;;; layer, color, ltype what they say
    ;;; Returns: EAL of entity
    (defun lwrect (p1 p3 rotate layer color ltype / d13 abox p2 p4 elist
    ss pent)
    (setq d13 (distance p1 p3)
    abox (- (angle p1 p3) rotate)
    p2 (polar p1 rotate (* (cos abox) d13))
    p4 (polar p1 (+ rotate (/ pi 2)) (* (sin abox) d13))
    (entmake (list '(0 . "LWPOLYLINE")
    '(100 . "AcDbEntity")
    '(100 . "AcDbPolyline")
    (cons 6 ltype)
    (cons 8 layer)
    '(43 . 0)
    (cons 62 color)
    '(90 . 4)
    (cons 10 p1)
    (cons 10 p2)
    (cons 10 p3)
    (cons 10 p4)
    '(70 . 1);closed pline - must follow G.C. 10s
    ;;Main program
    ;;save sysvars
    (setq cecho (getvar "CMDECHO") oldlyr (getvar "CLAYER"))
    ;;start UNDO group
    (command "_.UNDO" "BEGIN")
    (setvar "CMDECHO" 1)
    ;;setup a layer for WIPEOUTs
    (command "_.LAYER" "M" "WIPEOUTS" "")
    (setq ss (ssadd))
    ;;loop until an MTEXT entity in a DIMENSION is selected
    (setq flag T)
    (while flag
    (setq alist (nentsel "\nSelect Dimension Text to Mask: ")
    ent (car alist)
    outer (car(last alist))
    pent (car (last alist));parent entity
    (if (= "MTEXT" (cdr (assoc 0 (entget ent))))
    (setq flag nil)
    ;;draw a LWPOLYLINE rectangle enclosing the MTEXT
    (boxmtext ent)
    ;;call command to draw the WIPEOUT using the preceding LWPOLYLINE
    (command "_.wipeout" "p" (entlast) "y")
    (ssadd (entlast) ss);adds wipeout to selection set
    (ssadd pent ss);add parent entity to selection set

    ;;now call draworder to bring the DIMENSION to the front
    ;;it would be nice if there is a better way, that doesn't force a
    ;;the only sure way I can think of is to delete the DIMENSION and
    remake it
    (command "_.draworder" outer "" "front");causes a regen
    (command "_.wipeout" "F" "OFF")
    ;;restore sysvars & end UNDO group
    (setvar "CMDECHO" cecho)
    (setvar "CLAYER" oldlyr)
    (command "_.group" "C" "*" "" ss "");jp
    (command "_.UNDO" "END")
    Paco Jones, Jan 5, 2004
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