Why is this drawing not open?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Dave F., Apr 28, 2004.

  1. Dave F.

    Dave F. Guest

    Hi All


    This routine reloads all the loaded xrefs in the drawing.
    The chevroned line (should) test to see if the xref drawing is open, & if it
    is save it to ensure it's the latest info.
    The test drawing has multiple xrefs (all overlayed & have the same path),
    but on one it gives the following error description/number:

    Method 'Item' of object 'IAcadDocuments' failed

    Any ideas what this means?

    Dave F.

    ' blue icon
    Sub fxXrefRefresh()
    Dim BlkObj As AcadBlock
    Dim objBlock As AcadDatabase
    Dim Dwg As AcadDocument

    For Each BlkObj In ThisDrawing.Blocks ' cycles through all the blocks
    in the dwg
    If BlkObj.IsXRef Then ' if it's an Xref?
    Debug.Print BlkObj.Name
    On Error Resume Next
    Set objBlock = ThisDrawing.Blocks(BlkObj.Name).XRefDatabase '
    tests to see if it's loaded
    If Err = 0 Then
    ' if it's loaded
    On Error Resume Next".dwg") ' is it open?
    If Err = 0 Then
    ' if it's open
    If Dwg.Saved = False Then
    ' check to see if it's saved
    ' if not save it
    End If ' saved
    End If ' open
    ' reload the xref
    End If ' loaded
    End If ' xref
    Next ' block
    End Sub
    Dave F., Apr 28, 2004
  2. Dave F.

    Dave F. Guest

    Oh, & also, is ThisDrawing necessary?
    It seems to work without it.
    Dave F., Apr 28, 2004
  3. Dave F.

    Perion Guest

    Apparently the BlkObj.Name & ".dwg" concatenation is producing a string which
    isn't a valid index in the Documents collection. One thing to keep in mind - a
    string passed to the Item method of the Documents collection is case sensitive.
    Could that be part of the problem? Set a breakpoint and see what string
    BlkObj.Name & ".dwg" is producing. Maybe for the item its failing on the dwg
    extension is capitalized for some reason.

    Perion, Apr 28, 2004
  4. Dave F.

    Perion Guest

    A string argument for the Item method is only case-sensitive for the
    SelectionSets collection. My bad :-(
    To debug, I'd just write a little loop (before the fail line) that iterates the
    collection and debug.print each item that's actually in it and compare that with
    the concatenated string being formed when it fails.

    Perion, Apr 28, 2004
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