Why is it possible to save a drawing that is Read-Only??

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Paul de Boer, Jun 3, 2004.

  1. Paul de Boer

    Paul de Boer Guest

    Hi all,

    If i press on a HyperLink in Excel (Version 9) a Drawing opens, from there VBA takes in and takes the Path and FileName properties of the drawing, using a reference to AutoCad (Version 2004.0.0),

    (using the GETOBJECT and if not then the CREATEOBJECT)

    then close the drawing (Which was opened via the HyperLink) and then reopen the same drawing with the retrieved properties, and using the builtin OPEN function, via the Documents object in the Application object and set ReadOnly True

    Object.Application.Documents.Open sPathName & sDwgName, True

    Then in AutoCad, the opened Drawing is Read-Only what is True if I use the QSAVE command (I get a write protection warning), but if i use the SAVEAS command the same file with exact the same Path and FileName is for some reason not write protected and gets overwritten.

    If I manually open the same Drawing and use the SAVEAS command it is write protected. By the way the Drawing is not Read-Only at OS (W2K) level and I'm on a NetWork.

    Anyone any suggestions??
    Many thanks Paul
    Paul de Boer, Jun 3, 2004
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