Why DC analysis doesn't converge

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Allen, Dec 3, 2007.

  1. Allen

    Allen Guest

    Can anyone give me some advice on my dc analysis? I am designing a
    digital PLL, when I run dc analysis for the charge pump circuit,
    cadence tells me that error is found because the step size is too
    large and it doesn't converge.

    Allen, Dec 3, 2007
  2. Normally convergence problems for step size comes for transient
    analysis. Try to find out the exact point of non convergence from the
    output log file and read the your simulator ( specter /hspice) manual
    to fix the nonconvegence. This can done by changing some of the
    simulator options(band aid soultion) or putting some impedence at
    exact point of non-covergence.
    please refer http://www.ecircuitcenter.com/SpiceTopics/Non-Linear Analysis/Non-Linear Analysis.htm.
    salim j athfal, Dec 10, 2007
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