Who screwed up the KnowledgeBase?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by TOP, Aug 12, 2005.

  1. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I was just trying to look up something in the KB which I have seen
    there before. I entered the word deduction and got a summary of
    deductions for medical benefits for SW employees. Just a snippet here
    to whet your appetite.

    SolidWorks offers to their employees and their eligible dependents a
    choice of three different medical plan options, a Health Maintenance
    Organization (HMO) and two levels of a Preferred Provider
    Organization's (PPO). Each plan has a different level of coverage
    associated with it as well as a different cost structure. Please see
    the summary of each plan attached to this document.

    It's good to know where are subscription dollars are going. Please SW.
    Could we just have the KB back?
    TOP, Aug 12, 2005
  2. TOP

    TOP Guest

    Never thought of that angle. Hmmm.

    My VAR told me they dropped it because some of the information was
    outdated and causing people problems. Wouldn't that mean just updating
    it from time to time?
    1.D. Internet Tools and Services. From time to time a license of or
    basic subscription service for Software may include integration with
    and access to certain internet tools and services developed by
    SolidWorks. A base level of usage may be available at no extra charge
    for each license with additional usage available at an additional
    charge. Please see a description of any internet tools with the
    Software or on our website at www.solidworks.com for additional
    details. Your use of the internet tools and services is also subject
    to the Terms of Use applicable to that tool/service and found at
    www.solidworks.com/[tool/service name]/TermsofUse/ and incorporated
    herein by reference. When provided at no additional charge, these
    tools and services are gratuitous and may be modified and/or withdrawn
    at any time.
    TOP, Aug 12, 2005
  3. TOP

    Scott Guest

    The Knowledge base is back, it's just a different format and it's not called
    the KBA anymore... it's under the search after you log into SW website.

    Scott, Aug 13, 2005
  4. TOP

    TOP Guest


    I really think somebody has majorly screwed up here. Search finds
    everything but technical information. Search will even find SW
    confidential information. I'm sure the competion is renewing their
    subscriptions just to get at this stuff. Here is a sampling.

    Search for information on Sheet Metal and get this helpful technical
    knowledge plus a dozen vendors of sheet metal parts:

    What is SolidWorks® Office Professional? How does SolidWorks Office
    Professional help AutoCAD® users migrate to 3D? Does SolidWorks Office
    Professional include tools for surface design?

    Search for bend deduction as a keyword and get nothing. Search as an
    exact phrase and get an explanation of benefits for SW employees.

    Search for IGES to find the venerable articles on Pro/E settings, etc.
    and find nothing useful.

    Search for configurations and get a confidential document:

    Addressing Common Concerns and
    Questions from Prospects
    (SolidWorks and SolidWorks Partner Confidential)
    Q: "I'll implement the catalog first and provide CAD models at a later
    A: CAD models are a key element in any online catalog. Explain the
    benefits for 3D PartStream.NET. The
    service allows a manufacturer's customer to:
    o Configure products on the fly - providing an intuitive and
    interactive environment for the design
    engineer to easily select and find the exact component they need
    o View 3D models and 2D drawings -- allowing the customer to better
    visualize products and imagine
    how a component will fit into their designs - resulting in increased
    customer satisfaction
    o Download models for use in their own designs with support for all
    major CAD systems - By
    incorporating a manufacturers products in their own designs, the design
    engineer is essentially specing
    the product into their designs - resulting in increased sales for the
    TOP, Aug 13, 2005
  5. TOP

    Cliff Guest

    a heavy emphasis on resolving complex geometry and topology problems
    as they pertain to advanced geometric modeling. This lead developer
    must have advanced skills and experience in NURBS surface modeling,
    computational geometry, CAD algorithm design and software
    EDUCATION: MS / Ph.D in Applied Mathematics or Ph.D in Computer

    I wonder if jb applied .....
    Cliff, Aug 13, 2005
  6. TOP

    Scott Guest

    Did you do use Exact words or Keywords?

    That is important, so the search engine will know what to look for.

    I tried "Technical Tip" "Exact Phrase" and got a hit on "Solidworks
    Knowledge base Search result" -
    This lists all the Tech tips.

    I talked to SW and they said all the Tech tips have been inserted into the
    html page, so it's not separate like it was before. I agree its different,
    but if you take a little time with it, you can find what you want.



    I really think somebody has majorly screwed up here. Search finds
    everything but technical information. Search will even find SW
    confidential information. I'm sure the competion is renewing their
    subscriptions just to get at this stuff. Here is a sampling.

    Search for information on Sheet Metal and get this helpful technical
    knowledge plus a dozen vendors of sheet metal parts:

    What is SolidWorks® Office Professional? How does SolidWorks Office
    Professional help AutoCAD® users migrate to 3D? Does SolidWorks Office
    Professional include tools for surface design?

    Search for bend deduction as a keyword and get nothing. Search as an
    exact phrase and get an explanation of benefits for SW employees.

    Search for IGES to find the venerable articles on Pro/E settings, etc.
    and find nothing useful.

    Search for configurations and get a confidential document:

    Addressing Common Concerns and
    Questions from Prospects
    (SolidWorks and SolidWorks Partner Confidential)
    Q: "I'll implement the catalog first and provide CAD models at a later
    A: CAD models are a key element in any online catalog. Explain the
    benefits for 3D PartStream.NET. The
    service allows a manufacturer's customer to:
    o Configure products on the fly - providing an intuitive and
    interactive environment for the design
    engineer to easily select and find the exact component they need
    o View 3D models and 2D drawings -- allowing the customer to better
    visualize products and imagine
    how a component will fit into their designs - resulting in increased
    customer satisfaction
    o Download models for use in their own designs with support for all
    major CAD systems - By
    incorporating a manufacturers products in their own designs, the design
    engineer is essentially specing
    the product into their designs - resulting in increased sales for the
    Scott, Aug 14, 2005
  7. TOP

    TOP Guest


    Thanks. I can find what I want now. My point remains that it is
    possible to find a lot more that I don't want.

    All you have to remember to get at the tech tips and kb is to click
    through to the Knowledge Base search page, search for the phrase
    "Knowledge Base" and then go through a list of unrelated stuff till the
    link shows up, then click on the link and search manually for what you

    Searching onthe word FAQ seems to be the most profitable search word.
    TOP, Aug 15, 2005
  8. TOP

    TOP Guest

    I had a discussion with my VAR about this. Apparently SW wants to see
    enhancements requests to get it back. My question is who did all the
    enhancement requests to make all the junk that is now there appear
    TOP, Aug 16, 2005
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