who has used inventor

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Nathan Feculak, Nov 19, 2003.

  1. Just wondering how many people have used Invntor? what is you impresion?
    which system do you prefure SW or Inventor. What are some pros and cons to
    the inventor rep droped by today and installed Inventor trial on my putter.
    looking for any thoughts you guys might have.

    Nathan Feculak, Nov 19, 2003
  2. Nathan Feculak

    Aaron Guest

    I've been using it since it came out. Been using SW about a year.
    What immediately comes to mind that i like better abot IV is:

    1) The feel and interface of the whole product
    2) Much simpler use of equations and user parameters
    3) Weldments that don't create additional files
    4) Explosion views in a separate file
    5) Assembly constraint interface

    What I like about SW:

    1) Configurations
    2) System color control
    3) ?? (I know there is more)

    Aaron, Nov 19, 2003
  3. Nathan Feculak

    JJ Guest

    It might be worth your time to Google this thread. It comes up every so
    often and people have given very good detailed input before. I used it for a
    few months earlier in the year. The project that I was working on did not
    cause me to push it very far so my input is probably of little value. There
    were a few things which it did better than SW and much that it did not.

    Both packages have had new releases since my experience so the list of goods
    and bads has changed. Anyway, it is really difficult to make judgments based
    on other's opinions. What is best for my job may not be best for yours. I
    think you need to take the company into account as well - development
    direction, support, and etcetera. It is my experience that, although they
    could do better, SW as a company is well ahead of ADESK.

    I also believe that price should be low on the priority list when comparing.
    In the long run it takes very little increase in productivity to make up for
    the cost of the software.

    JJ, Nov 19, 2003
  4. Nathan Feculak

    Rocko Guest

    Takes on Inventor:
    1)Quite a few Inventor users have issues with iges files being imported into
    2)Adaptivity commands in large assemblies is a nightmare you can take coffee
    breaks many times before it is done.
    3) there were some sketch constraint issues in version 7?
    4)New price structure surprise to existing users (thats Autodesk for you) on
    having to pay more for the professional version for features that used to be
    found in base product.
    5)People have had crashing issues when switching between the modeling
    environment and drawing environment when dealing with medium size assemblies
    or larger. We are talking people with 2gb of RAM having the issue so there
    must be a memory leak in the program somewhere.
    6) Perhaps the main reason is that Autodesk has a history of screwing over
    its customers. I know this from personal experience.
    Rocko, Nov 21, 2003
  5. Nathan Feculak

    cadman_357 Guest

    Used it for a few months before getting a new job in March where they
    use SW.

    As I recall it did a better job a handling interference checks and
    collision checks with sub-assemblies - it only looked a interferences
    and collision at the assembly level, and not in the sub-assy as well
    (SW has been driving me nuts with this problem today)

    Also handles dymanic (movable) assemblies better that SW. I find that
    if you don't leave SW flexible sub-assys in the right place when you
    close the assy file, you have mate problems when you open the assembly

    Equations and variable are much superiour in Inventor. SW is so
    cumbersome, I never use them anymore.

    Inventor did not have configurations though. They're a feature of SW
    I'd really miss.

    This newsgroup tends to be fanatical about SW, and IMHO tends to
    unjustly slag Inventor.

    If you already use SW I doubt it would be worth the time trouble and
    $$ to switch.

    cadman_357, Nov 21, 2003
  6. They are there but only for parts but that's not helping at all at the end
    Markku Lehtola, Nov 22, 2003
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