Which version?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Dave, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. Dave

    Dave Guest

    For those of you on the bleeding edge, which version of SWX would you
    prefer to run. We are currently running 2006 SP 4.0 and are preparing
    to upgrade.... maybe.
    Dave, Jul 24, 2008
  2. Dave

    kenneth Guest

    2006 sp5.1 ... the best just got better.
    2009 beta 3
    kenneth, Jul 24, 2008
  3. Dave

    Jean Marc Guest

    Do you mean that '09 beta3 is so stable that you would use it in a
    production environement as safely as '06 SP5.1?
    Jean Marc, Jul 25, 2008
  4. Dave

    Willem1 Guest

    Really get used to the 2008 interface (less mouse movement and
    So for me it's 2008 SP4.0
    Willem1, Jul 25, 2008
  5. Dave

    tnik Guest

    I'll second that notion, if your going to upgrade, upgrade to 2k8, if
    your going to keep maintenance going, upgrade to 2k8, install 2k9 and
    learn it for when they release it. 2k9 will be released Sept./Oct. But
    if your not going to do maintenance, go with 2k8 but get 'in writing'
    from the var that you will receive any future upgrades to 2k8. (they
    might come out with SP5. and it would suck to be stuck at SP4.)
    tnik, Jul 25, 2008
  6. I agree - I really like 2008.


    Wayne Tiffany, Jul 25, 2008
  7. Dave

    j Guest

    The sad part about that is yes the beta seems to be more stable than the
    released version if you can get thru the installation manager's FUBAR
    approach for installing software. This has been true in previous beta's
    as well.
    j, Jul 25, 2008
  8. Dave

    zxys Guest

    IMHO,.. if you are NOT independent and you are working for someone
    else and like to twiddle your thumbs, like pretty graphics, like to
    brag that you have the latest version and get paid regardless of your
    productivity levels ... definitely...upgrade!

    (ah yes,.. add it,.. fix it, repair it,.. break it,.. make it slower
    and cuter,...business model at it's best... it keeps going and going
    and going....)

    zxys, Jul 25, 2008
  9. Dave

    clay Guest

    I pretty much hate SW2008. I spend more time looking for tools than
    actually using them.

    On the other hand, I started way back when SW96 came out. When there
    were like 10 features. And it was actually FAST. I would gladly trade
    speed for features.

    On the other other hand my brother loves all the shortcuts hidden in
    SW08. It just takes a while to find them.

    clay, Jul 27, 2008
  10. But I've heard from several people who are running Beta that they are much
    happier with 09 than 08. If the original poster can wait till 09 is released
    and has settled down a bit, that might be the ticket. It would be a shame to
    go through all the trials and tribulations of getting used to the quirks and
    foibles of the 08 interface if the 09 interface will be much easier to live

    Jerry Steiger
    Jerry Steiger, Jul 27, 2008
  11. Dave

    tnik Guest

    I don't think it's the interface per-se, but the new tools.. off the top
    of my head they now have a 'slot' tool (other than just using the offset
    tool), they have a hinge mate, and create dim on creation of geometry..
    and many others.. best thing would look at the 'whats new' for 2k9
    tnik, Jul 28, 2008
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