Which version is ADT4/Acad 2004?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by terencechatfielduk, Aug 5, 2003.

  1. Opening as a text file a drawing saved in Acad2002/2000, i see that its starts with 'AC1015', because as i understand it its Version 15 of autocad. Opening a drawing saved as Acad 2004 shows 'AC1018', when i though this was Version 16 of autocad. Is this consistent and correct? I'd like to write a VBA/VB application that will be able to tell the difference.
    terencechatfielduk, Aug 5, 2003
  2. Here are some other Version numbers!

    'ac1002 = 2.5
    'ac1003 = 2.6
    'ac1004 = 9
    'ac1006 = 10
    'ac1009 = 12
    'ac1012 = 13
    'ac1013 = 14
    willemschwarte, Aug 5, 2003
  3. What was the 'Red Deer beta'? (Please, no jokes!)

    The app i'm writing will be a simple one, just to add a comment that can be seen in windows explorer, but i'd still like to get it right.
    terencechatfielduk, Aug 5, 2003
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