Which version for Vista ?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Wonderman, Mar 11, 2007.

  1. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    I am about to order SW2007 and cant figure out whether SP 3.0 will run on it
    or the Vista version. It appears as if the collective thought is to wait
    but we are looking at the inevitable transtition and want to make the right
    choice. TIA.
    Wonderman, Mar 11, 2007
  2. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    Thanks. With Vista Ultimate we got a 64 bit disk and the machine in
    question is 64 bit capable so we arent tha far off. I wanted to get SW in
    house for transition purposes.

    I wonder if 2007 SP 3.0 will run 32 bit for the time being or should I wait
    for the first SW Vista release ?
    Wonderman, Mar 12, 2007
  3. Wonderman

    TOP Guest

    Just curious, but why are you going to Vista? and why 64bit?
    TOP, Mar 12, 2007
  4. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    ur new desktop came with Vista Ultimate32 and a 64 upgrade disk too. The
    machine is 64 bit as well so I am looking forward and trying tomake use of
    what we have versus uninstall and reformat the machine and go and buy XP.
    Wonderman, Mar 12, 2007
  5. Wonderman

    j Guest

    Might be cheaper in the long run to do just that. From what I have
    heard, the performance hit is pretty substantial for Vista.
    j, Mar 12, 2007
  6. Wonderman

    CS Guest

    Vista currently has very limited driver set. Where this hurts
    SolidWorks users is if you can't get a driver for your workstation
    grade VideoCard you will be working in OpenGL which has an added
    performance hit.
    CS, Mar 12, 2007
  7. Wonderman

    Wonderman Guest

    Can anyone advise if SP 3.0 will runin Vista 32 ?
    Wonderman, Mar 12, 2007
  8. Wonderman

    TOP Guest

    Remember the movie Transporter?

    Rule Number One
    Never install the latest release of any software unless you are beta
    testing. Wait at least three service packs and preferably till the
    next release.

    Rule Number Two
    Never buy hardware without first checking if it will run the software.
    Beware the bundle.

    Rule Number Three
    The save button likes to be spanked.

    Rule Number Four
    Turn off all the eye candy, don't load that screen saver, shut down
    any unneeded services, defrag your hard drive, always go for the
    fastest CPU, max. memory, approved video drivers, and you don't need
    to listen to MP3s on your computer while working.

    Rule Number Five
    Always check first on comp.cad.solidworks to see if somebody else has
    made the dumb mistake you are about to make. They probably have.

    Free Advice, Cheap $$$

    TOP, Mar 13, 2007
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