Which platform is better to develop - VB or ObjectARX

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by alkimium, Mar 16, 2005.

  1. alkimium

    alkimium Guest


    At this moment i'm considering which is the best platform for developing applications for the future. Since I started in programming for AutoCAD i've develop in VB6. At his moment i'm considering developing utilities or complete software for the last versions of AutoCAD (2005 and the new 2006) , and i think is the moment to learn a platform / language to develop better aplications and i'm not sure in which language to choose (VB.NET, ObjectARX for VS6, ObjectARX for VS 2003)..because i've looked in internet and forums and i don't get a definitive reason.

    Any help would be very appreciated.

    Best Regards

    alkimium, Mar 16, 2005
  2. Hi Jose,

    If you are not carrying prejudices about language forward, then I have no
    doubt that .NET is the way to go. Autodesk themselves are going that way,
    and you can bet they have invested serious consideration into the
    programming language to use for their work.

    I would not be surprised if you will not be able to access ObjectARX through
    ..NET, but have no specific knowledge.


    Laurie Comerford

    applications for the future. Since I started in programming for AutoCAD i've
    develop in VB6. At his moment i'm considering developing utilities or
    complete software for the last versions of AutoCAD (2005 and the new 2006) ,
    and i think is the moment to learn a platform / language to develop better
    aplications and i'm not sure in which language to choose (VB.NET, ObjectARX
    for VS6, ObjectARX for VS 2003)..because i've looked in internet and forums
    and i don't get a definitive reason.
    Laurie Comerford, Mar 16, 2005
  3. Laurie,
    Can you explain what kind of code you mean.
    vb.net using activex object model, or some other kind of API?
    Is the acad .net API available to all the .net languages?

    "Laurie Comerford" <>
    |>Hi Jose,
    |>If you are not carrying prejudices about language forward, then I have no
    |>doubt that .NET is the way to go. Autodesk themselves are going that way,
    |>and you can bet they have invested serious consideration into the
    |>programming language to use for their work.
    |>I would not be surprised if you will not be able to access ObjectARX through
    |>.NET, but have no specific knowledge.

    James Maeding
    jmaeding at hunsaker dot com
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Mar 17, 2005
  4. "Laurie Comerford" wrote
    What gives you the impression that you will
    not be able to access ObjectARX through .NET?
    Tony Tanzillo, Mar 17, 2005
  5. Hi James,

    There are many others better qualified than me to answer these questions. I
    have 1800 pages of reference manuals sitting here waiting for time to absorb
    the information in them and to undertake a real project.

    My understanding of .Net is that it is more or less independent of the
    language you use. The British magazine "PC Plus" for January this year has
    an article on p147 by Dave Jewell on "Developing Trends" which talks about
    using a "Reflector" tool in .Net to transform the code from one language to
    another. See www.aisyo.com/roeder/dotnet

    Dave advises to go to www.dotnetpowered.com/languages.aspx for a 'reasonably
    up to date' lists of languages available in .NET


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Mar 17, 2005
  6. Hi Tony,

    I tried to word it in such a way that my total ignorance was obvious and to
    provoke someone with specific knowledge to let us know the facts.

    It would be helpful if you were to say:

    You can use ObjectARX in .NET
    You can't use ObjectARX in .NET

    as the case may be.

    If you can use it, it would be a further bonus if you were to say:

    The advantages of this approach are:

    or whatever.

    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Mar 17, 2005
  7. I think it could be said that you will be able to access functionality
    with .NET that was previously only available with ObjectARX.

    Terry W. Dotson, Mar 17, 2005
  8. ..NET is a programming runtime kernal that supports
    a variety of languages.

    The AutoCAD .NET API is a set of .NET managed
    wrapper classes and functions which makes much, but
    not all of the ObjectARX API functionality available to
    all .NET languages.
    Tony Tanzillo, Mar 17, 2005
  9. I appreciate the comments, and can see that others have the same questions I do.
    I have been reading Dan Appleman's Moving to VB.net and can see that .net is much superior to previous languages.
    In particular, its garbage collector is better, which is something that peeks my interest given the problems with object
    releasing with lisp.
    I can do more research, but is it that there is a new API, accessible with .net, or is it that now you can mix the
    activex (com) API with the ObjectARX API?

    So do we now have:
    Com API
    ..Net API
    ObjectARX API


    "Terry W. Dotson" <>
    |>Laurie Comerford wrote:
    |>> I would not be surprised if you will not be able to access ObjectARX
    |>> through .NET, but have no specific knowledge.
    |>I think it could be said that you will be able to access functionality
    |>with .NET that was previously only available with ObjectARX.

    James Maeding
    jmaeding at hunsaker dot com
    Civil Engineer/Programmer
    James Maeding, Mar 17, 2005
  10. Hi Tony,

    This information seems to confirm my initial premise the ability to use (or
    not use) ObjectARX in .NET is not obvious.

    Programmers who are proposing to do complex things beyond the normal APIs
    provided by Autodesk probably understand the meaning and implications of "a
    set of .NET managed wrapper classes", but for me, I don't and don't need to.


    Laurie Comerford
    Laurie Comerford, Mar 17, 2005
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