Which image is the most photo-realistic - take the Rendering Challenge

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by mbiasotti, Sep 15, 2006.

  1. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    For all of you PhotoWorks and non-PhotoWorks users (using other
    rendering products), can you please take a moment to take the following


    At the end of the survey, you will be redirected to the Photo-Rendering
    Challenge. Over the last few weeks the PhotoWorks team of developers
    and management have been involved in a Photo-rendering challenge to see
    who can create the most photo-realistic rendering. Please help us by
    clicking on the link above, take the survey then cast your own vote for
    the most photo-realistic image. When you are finished voting you will
    be redirected to a page that reveals what rendering product was used
    and how people voted.

    This exercise had a duel purpose in that the PhotoWorks team just
    wanted to do it for the challenge but more importantly we want to learn
    from the challenge and the survey that is going out, where we can

    Thank you for your participation.

    Mark Biasotti
    mbiasotti, Sep 15, 2006
  2. mbiasotti

    Muggs Guest


    It would have been nice to see all of the renders with the same material
    color/texture and from the same angle with the same lighting setup so that
    all of the reflections were the same.
    One can't help allowing orientation of the product (with all of the
    reflections and highlights) to sway their opinions.
    That said, it is obvious that SW is serious about a rendering package, and
    for that I for one am glad. It is still a LOT easier for me to export out of
    SW into Rhino and render using Flamingo. Maybe it's just familiarity but I
    not a stupid person (OK some might argue) but I just don't get PW.

    My 2 cents,
    Muggs, Sep 15, 2006
  3. mbiasotti

    Rock Guy Guest

    Hi Mark,

    It's great to see SolidWorks taking an larger interest in the
    PhotoWorks product. For me it was easy spotting the PhotoWorks
    renderings versus the other images in the survey. I'm excited to see
    where all this information is going to lead us PhotoWorks users!

    Rock Guy, Sep 15, 2006
  4. mbiasotti

    Muggs Guest

    I had to read that a few times myself. Each can only have one # so as to
    list them 1 thru 7.

    But of course you knew that.

    Muggs, Sep 15, 2006
  5. mbiasotti

    Muggs Guest

    LOL. Never even considered that.
    I guess if you're a middle of the road kind of guy (or gal) then you're OK,
    but if you're the type that everything is great or everything stinks then
    you're hosed.

    Muggs, Sep 15, 2006
  6. mbiasotti

    TOP Guest

    I picked Maxwell, but I didn't like the lenses in any of them.
    TOP, Sep 15, 2006
  7. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Paul, sorry for the confusion. This question is a ranking question
    where you are suppose to enter numbers 1 thru 7 with a unique number
    for each choice. I'll re-word the question to make this clear.
    mbiasotti, Sep 15, 2006
  8. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    Yes, I agree that from a technical perspective, more variables could
    have been eliminated, but we did lay down rules, and for the most part,
    they were followed; yellow body, black hardware on a white tabletop.

    Thanks for taking the survey and your feedback.

    mbiasotti, Sep 15, 2006
  9. mbiasotti

    Jason Guest

    Mark...can you post the files? Perhaps Rob could set this up as the
    next Photoworks challenge on his site. Let's see what some of these
    Photoworks power users can come up with.
    Jason, Sep 15, 2006
  10. mbiasotti

    ed1701 Guest

    First, great idea. Good way to promote the product and what it can do.

    I have seen the new stuff in 2007, and it looks extremely promising.
    For instance, the new materials libraries - at least as far as I have
    dug into them - finally rock. They seem to satisfy that animated
    discussion we had a few years ago with Gibson about what needs to be in

    Well done (so far as I have seen). Take everyone involved out for ice
    cream or beers or whatever (not meant ironicly, in case someone
    misreads that last line).

    But I think you have fallen just-shy of an opportunity to make a really
    compelling case for PWx that will satisfy even skeptics like me.

    If you do a PWX challenge again, as a consumer evaluating renderers, I
    would want to see more apples-to-apples samples.

    -Same view and perspective for all images
    -same lights (within the limitations of the comparison, of course - if
    one package has an area light, in the other package put their
    best-substitute light in the same location)
    -same background/environment image (again, as is compatible with the
    limitations of the renderers being evaluated) At least not if you used
    comparable default environments when revealing the results.

    If you did the above I would learn, for real, the assets and
    liabilities of the packages.
    Though the presentation is impressive, all I learned <for sure> was the
    quality of the folks setting it up, which we have learned from Rob's
    contests can vary wildly. I don't even know if you had Maxwell pros or
    neophytes - nothing sours a comparison like the pssibility of cooking
    the results (though I know you - I trust you gave it an honest effort)

    Other things that would be worth noting in the renderings (maybe
    revealed after voting):
    -setup time
    -rendering time (which could seriously ding maxwell as I understand it
    from the newsgroup, having not tried it myself, ) PWx is pretty darn
    fast compared to the field, and fast=money
    -geometry translation time (again, a big ding to other renderers, and
    the only reason I still use PWx. Excepting, perhaps large assemblies -
    I wonder if other renderers have to spend a few mintues crunching
    geometry each time you push the render button?)
    -How much experience with each product? I know you guys target making
    PWx as seamless and easy as possible - wouldn't it be a powerful pitch
    if you could take ten novices, give them ten hours each, sick them
    randomly on the different packages, and see what they could do with the
    above constraints (views and lights already set?). Man, that would
    make a case.

    Again, Mark, good step in the right direction.
    But as someone who is seriously considering my rendering options, I
    want to see a compelling and realistic example of why I should not
    stray. All this did was make me pause, and for me the rendering
    quality of PWx was never a question - its all the other issues that
    make me yearn for greener pastures.

    You have a great opportunity to squash doubters if you can make the
    business case for PWx by showing as-true-as-possible a comparison.

    ed1701, Sep 16, 2006
  11. mbiasotti

    mbiasotti Guest

    MAB - Thanks Ed, that means a lot coming from you.
    MAB - And that would mean taking you out too since you've put in
    hundreds of hours of critique and feedback on this product.
    MAB - This started as a an-adhoc challenge between Joe and I 2 weeks
    ago. All we did was made the results public and have them voted on. I
    know that there could have been more variables eliminated but have you
    ever tried to get 7 adults to play by the rules? :)
    MAB - The renderings were done by myself, Joe Dunne, Mick Kellman, John
    Cochrane, Ron Bates.
    MAB - The Maxwell Rendering generally took over night while the PW
    renderings took an hour or two. Lightwave took about 4 hours.
    MAB - Yes, I would like to have this exercise done by Rob's Contest,
    but I don't think that the customer will release the files, but I'm
    checking into it.
    MAB - You can see from the survey that you know what areas we are
    suspecting we need to be working on, and the 350+ respondents so far
    are confirming most of those with amazing precision.
    mbiasotti, Sep 16, 2006
  12. -How much experience with each product? I know you guys target making
    Hi guys. In response to the above comments. If the customer doesn't
    release the files we could do another test using a different (publicly
    releasable) file(s). I'm not sure how much time SW can or wants to spend on
    something like this but, as you know my (or the PW user community's) contest
    happens every month. All we really need to do is agree on an acceptable
    model to post for the October contest. The next step; of course would be to
    make sure the previously mentioned SW employees render the new model. We
    could even change the rules a bit for the October contest to limit the
    variables for a better comparison. I've been allowing people to post non PW
    renderings for the contest (they just aren't eligible for voting) and
    occasionally this does happen. Maybe the people who have posted in the past
    using V-ray and Blender would give the October model a go? If we did this
    for the October contest it would also give us time to get the word out for
    maximum participation.

    Rob Rodriguez, Sep 17, 2006
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