which fem?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gianni Rondinini, Oct 20, 2003.

  1. i've heard of a... ehm... "custom" (?) version of cosmos for
    solidworks. i believe it to be called cosmosworks, but i've never seen
    it working, then i don't know how good it is. do any of you use it? is
    it simple to use? i mean that the old versions --seen in eureka! or
    microstation-- of cosmos required you to be an expert mechanical
    engineer [1] to use it and wasn't very user friendly --the fem didn't
    let you specify absolute coordinates for forces applied to the
    part/assembly but you had to "build" small solid references on the
    parts--. i believe it improved a lot its user interface and ease of
    use, but would like to hear something from its users.

    there's a company offering us design space, for something around
    11.800 euros/year + 20% VAT. since it's a *big* sum, i'd like to know
    if any of you think this is a very good package.
    i still have to ask for cosmosworks price.


    [1] i know you need to know exactly how things works and need to have
    some skills in mechanics to use fem, but older cosmos *really* needed
    too much...
    Gianni Rondinini, Oct 20, 2003
  2. Gianni Rondinini

    kellnerp Guest

    Gianni Rondinini wrote:
    Have a look at DesignStar. You can find information at www.srac.com. It
    integrates nicely with SW, has a SW like interface and doesn't have the
    issues CosmosWorks has.
    kellnerp, Oct 20, 2003
  3. Are you running SW03 or SW04? If so, you can try out CosmosXpress, which is
    a stripped down version of CosmosWorks.

    We've been looking at FEA packages here and one of us spent quite a bit of
    time recently trying out demo versions. His take on CosmosWorks was that it
    was easy to use but doesn't have much capability, meaning that we would have
    to go to CosmosM and/or DesignStar, which weren't as easy to use. He was
    also unimpressed with the mesher and the technical help. Another downside is
    that SW is tied up while it solves.

    He preferred NE/Nastran to Cosmos, as it seemed more stable and had good
    capability for a reasonable price. The mesher was better, but still had
    trouble on some of our "swoopy" parts. Technical help wasn't very good
    (although others in this group have commented on their good technical

    His favorite was Ansys, primarily due to its stability, the robust mesher,
    and the excellent technical service. The Workbench interface is intuitive,
    easy to use, and reads SW files, but you have to use the Classic interface
    to do nonlinear materials, which is not so easy to use. It's more expensive
    than the others for the same capability.

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Oct 20, 2003
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