Where's the Moderator???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ben-halpin, Sep 12, 2007.

  1. ben-halpin

    ben-halpin Guest

    How can it be that a Forum of this size and magnitude is without a
    Moderator? I remember when I signed in here for the first time, I had
    to agree to quite a few restrictions with regards to the content of my
    thread and my general conduct and my language, with supposedly serious
    consequenses, if my agreement were breached.
    These three or four miscarriages , I think that only God knows how
    many there actually are, conduct themselves in such a way as to be as
    counterproductive as you are going to get. I personally know of 4
    highly skilled former members of this group, who absolutely refuse to
    look in on it whatsoever, due to the childish nonsense that goes on
    here. Mind you that these men that I speak of are exremely
    compassionate souls who in the past have helped numerous users here
    with detailed answers to their questions including making custom
    tutorials and presentations to aid them further.
    The conduct of these people causes a total breakdown of the prime
    mission of this Group, which is to aid those of lesser skills by their
    inquiries to those of higher skill.
    You three, or four, or whatever...how can you not know what disgusting
    hemeroidal wastes of humanity you are, and you, John Banquer, remember
    my name...Benjamin Halpin... if it is true that you attend
    Solidworks seminars in the San Diego area , and I truly hope that it
    is, then you have to confront me sooner or later. You are unforgiven,
    sir, and I will lay in the tall grass as long as I have to, to
    confront you.

    Ben Halpin
    ben-halpin, Sep 12, 2007
  2. ben-halpin

    jon_banquer Guest


    You're an idiot. comp.cad.solidworks is an unmoderated Usenet group.

    When you finally figure out what Usenet is how about you learn how to
    spell my name correctly.

    It's Jon not John you fucking moron.
    jon_banquer, Sep 12, 2007
  3. ben-halpin

    thestew Guest

    Ya, this forum is starting to remind me of one of those childish video
    game forums......What a shame......
    thestew, Sep 12, 2007
  4. ben-halpin

    Jean Marc Guest

    (Sorry it recalls me an old commercial)
    <> a écrit dans le message de
    No other way than use filters to plonk the most annoying characters. It's
    not that hard, and life is soo much better afterwards.
    Jean Marc, Sep 12, 2007
  5. ben-halpin

    jon_banquer Guest

    Ya, this forum is starting to remind me of one of those childish video
    When you and Ben Halpin ask SolidWorks related questions you always
    get intelligent answers here.

    Now getting good answers to your questions isn't good enough anymore
    and you need a mommy to hold your hands and make you feel all warm and

    Why don't the two of you just grow the **** up or get off Usenet?
    jon_banquer, Sep 12, 2007
  6. ben-halpin

    jon_banquer Guest

    No other way than use filters to plonk the most annoying characters. It's
    Then you miss lots of good SolidWorks info or you can just pretend you
    don't see it posted

    Too funny.
    jon_banquer, Sep 12, 2007
  7. ben-halpin

    Cliff Guest

    Wrong yet again !!!
    It's "Jonathan" <VBG>.

    You have to sort of pity someone so clueless that they
    don't even know their own first name ...
    Cliff, Sep 12, 2007
  8. Oman, I just finished watching two episodes of Frasier, at his finest (one
    with his agent, the other with his radio mystery--beyond beyond classic!),
    and this rates right up there!!

    Only, a cupla pro'lengs:
    1. It will be hard to find jb in tall grass.
    2. It will be hard to find jb in short grass
    3. I think you might have to dig up the topsoil to find jb, and even then
    it won't be easy to find him.

    4. I hate it when people misspell "hemorrhoid"--and Ben Halpin
    sounds/writes very Bri'ish, so I *am* just a little disappointed....
    Altho he is redeemed: "hemorroidal waste of humanity" has been duly

    Speaking of hemorrhoids, and of jb/BD, if I had to choose between
    hemorrhoids and working with either jb or BD, I'd pick a bad bad case of
    hemorrhoids--the kind that get so effing bad, they effing burst.
    At the most you you'd have only a cupla bad weeks out of the year, as
    opposed to 50 dreadful ones.

    When I get those really bad hemorrhoidal bouts, I just think of jb/BD, and I
    feel a lot better.
    I just have to keep focused, tho, and not confuse that effing PrepH tube
    with the toothpaste--
    Man, they should really color-code those tubes a little better.....
    PrepH on the toothbrush is certainly no joke, but man, wait 'til you do the
    reverse....whoa, horsey....

    And Ben does make a good point.
    Even tho I am semi-critical of web nannies who bitch about off-topicness,
    and this/that (*and* top-posting), it IS true that productive academic
    no-nonsense types, who very often have *much* to offer, simply can't take
    certain antics, especially when sed antics have no redeeming value
    whatsoever, ito IQ, humor, whatever. Ie, off-topic, low-browed and witless,
    *and* crude.

    I personally think people with something to offer should look toward the
    "greater good" and hang in there, but we all have our limitations.

    Sheeeit, look what happened to rec.running.
    Y'all should check it out--whole threads conducted by one person under
    various pseudonyms....
    Y'all are *lucky*.

    Interestingly, the chief, perhaps only offender/destoyeur in rec.running
    (TBR + sundry morphs) is *highly* intelligent and knowledgeable!
    Perhaps the only person I've spoken to in 20+ years that understands the
    inherent fraud in HRMs (heart rate monitors)--among other things.
    Unlike jb, who can barely fill out a job application.

    'Tis whut 'tis.
    Paradoxi be paradoxi.
    Mr. P.V.'d (formerly Droll Troll), Yonkers, NY

    Stop Corruption in Congress & Send the Ultimate Message:
    Absolutely Vote, but NOT for a Democrat or a Republican.
    Ending Corruption in Congress is the *Single Best Way*
    to Materially Improve Your Family's Life.
    The Solution is so simple--and inexpensive!

    Make sure whomever you do vote for believes in
    ABSOLUTE separation of Church & State--ferchrissakes

    entropic3.14decay at optonline2.718 dot net; remove pi and e to reply--ie,
    all d'numbuhs
    Proctologically Violated©®, Sep 12, 2007
  9. ben-halpin

    That70sTick Guest

    There are several folks who pride themselves on being part of the
    problem. They have made Usenet into Losernet. Nothing is to be done
    except screen or ignore.

    I come here to help those I might possibly help. I will continue to
    do so, regardless of the trolls.

    Meanwhile, I recommend eng-tips.com. It's "over-moderrated", which
    means certain people aren't allowed in there anymore. Lots of great
    SW experts dying to tackle your latest SW problem.
    That70sTick, Sep 12, 2007
  10. ben-halpin

    Gary K Guest

    Hey JOHN, maybe it's time to *measure* somebody again - just like the
    Gary K, Sep 12, 2007
  11. ben-halpin

    mich Guest

    Any chance that I'm included here? Please?
    mich, Sep 12, 2007
  12. ben-halpin

    ff Guest

    Could be Jonas <G>
    ff, Sep 12, 2007
  13. ben-halpin

    Black Dragon Guest


    "This is not a list. This is not a board. This is not
    some web page forum with rules and moderators. This is
    USENET. The wild west of online communication. Where
    trolls and flames roam rampant. Where you keep your
    asbestos underpants handy if you lack wit (or have an
    ego that greatly exceeds your actual abilities).
    If you don't like it, feel free to run back to the
    comfortable safety of moderated web forums and mailing
    lists where everyone lives in enforced peace and harmony
    in the land of Nod."

    Hope that helps.
    Black Dragon, Sep 13, 2007
  14. ben-halpin

    FlowerPot Guest

    Black Dragon aka Flaming Asshole is the moderator. If you want to post
    sissy shit about solidwoks, he'll boot you out. To post here you have to
    think you know mor about machining than anyone else. Nothing elsxe is
    important. Since machinists all could make a space shuttle in their
    backyards given only the time and enough aluminum (and a little extra
    back yard traded for left over ego), machinists are intrinsically
    superior to engineers. So if you show enginerring type qualities such as
    asking why too much, you will be booted and sent to the chambers.

    Aye Aye mon Fuerer!!

    Daisy vonKlimscht
    FlowerPot, Sep 13, 2007
  15. ben-halpin

    jon_banquer Guest

    "This is not a list. This is not a board. This is not

    Nothing will help dickheads like this. He's a SolidWorks newbie who's
    had all the questions he has ever asked on comp.cad.solidworks
    answered and that's still not good enough for this whining little

    Yom Kippur is just around the corner. Perhaps he can add this outburst
    to his list of things to be forgiven for.

    If he's not a Jew then I guess he's really fucked. ;>)
    jon_banquer, Sep 13, 2007
  16. ben-halpin

    jon_banquer Guest

    Lots of great SW experts dying to tackle your latest SW problem.

    CorBlimeyLimey is just awesome. Needs to grow a set and start posting

    Jeff Mirisola is pretty good and likes the right baseball team.

    You and Scott Baugh leave a hell of a lot to be desired.

    Who did I miss?
    jon_banquer, Sep 13, 2007
  17. So what line are you on?
    The one waiting to kick BD's ass (or call his job), or the wrap-around line
    waiting to get in the stadium to watch?

    How bout tickets to the "BD is gonna S PV's D gala"--oops, I meant, the "BD
    sez he's gonna kick PV's ass event"?
    In NYC, around Xmas.

    Premium ticket holders get to stay at my Yonkers mansion, AND get to use my
    1985 Cadkey v. 3.1, w/ Amber monitor and dot-matrix printer.
    Free limo rides to visit BD in one of our many local hospitals.
    Personalized get-well-soon gifts included.
    As are condoms, for those wanting a bed-side blowjob from BD.
    Which ought not to be too bad, since proly most of his sharper teeth will be
    Mr. P.V.'d (formerly Droll Troll), Yonkers, NY

    Stop Corruption in Congress & Send the Ultimate Message:
    Absolutely Vote, but NOT for a Democrat or a Republican.
    Ending Corruption in Congress is the *Single Best Way*
    to Materially Improve Your Family's Life.
    The Solution is so simple--and inexpensive!

    Make sure whomever you do vote for believes in
    ABSOLUTE separation of Church & State--ferchrissakes

    entropic3.14decay at optonline2.718 dot net; remove pi and e to reply--ie,
    all d'numbuhs

    Proctologically Violated©®, Sep 13, 2007
  18. ben-halpin

    Anthony Guest

    Hrm....vewwwy intewwesting (in my best elmer fudd voice).... I'm an
    Engineer type, being an ME, and all the regulars know that, and I've
    been participating in this newsgroup for quite a few years...funny that
    I haven't had the first issue of any significance with anyone here.
    However, apparently unlike you, I am also a machinist, and make parts
    regularly for my own designs. I respect what these folks are able to
    accomplish, and the knowledge they have aquired over the years, because
    I understand very well what they do and the skills it requires. It is
    quite apparent that you do not, so take your elitist 'I'm better than
    thou because I have a degree on the wall' attitude, and just blow.


    You can't 'idiot proof' anything....every time you try, they just make
    better idiots.

    Remove sp to reply via email
    Anthony, Sep 13, 2007
  19. ben-halpin

    FlowerPot Guest

    Damn, people here have this problem with reading and hallucinations.
    When did I say I had a degree on the wall?

    So you can stand in the line to blow me now. Thanks.

    FlowerPot, Sep 13, 2007
  20. ben-halpin

    Black Dragon Guest

    Ah yes. Silly me. How forgetful I am. Sorry about that.

    ..sig fixed.

    Black Dragon, Sep 13, 2007
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