Where'd my icons go?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by RageX, Apr 7, 2005.

  1. RageX

    RageX Guest

    My exit sketch icons in the upper right hand corner have disappeared.

    It's very annoying, I either have to right click to 'exit sketch' or
    rebuild. I want my green check and red x back.

    I recently reinstalled SolidWorks 2005 and I just upgraded to Service
    Pack 2.0.

    I looked for a setting under tools->options that might have done it,
    but I found nothing.

    Any thoughts?
    RageX, Apr 7, 2005
  2. RageX

    Michael Guest

    Tools>Options>SystemOptions>EnableConfirmationCorner (checkbox, about 1/2
    way down)
    Michael, Apr 7, 2005
  3. RageX

    RageX Guest

    Thanks! I never knew that was called a 'confirmation corner.' I just
    wonder how it got checked off.

    RageX, Apr 7, 2005
  4. RageX

    Rory Guest

    The confirmation corner disappearing (being unchecked in tools options)
    seems to be a "feature" of 2005. It has happened to me in every
    service pack and often happens several times a day. Frustrating...
    Rory, Apr 8, 2005
  5. I just had a thought here that sounds silly, but maybe has some merit. I
    have never seen mine act up, but then again I have it turned off - I hate
    it. Now, before you go DUHHHHH, think about this: if the sequence causing
    the issue were such that it TOGGLED the setting, I should be seeing mine
    come on. However, since I don't, then whatever is causing yours to turn off
    is doing only that, not toggling the setting. Might be a clue, thank you
    very much. (bow taken... :)

    Wayne Tiffany, Apr 8, 2005
  6. RageX

    solidworks Guest


    The conf corner here at my company have been proven
    to cause crashes. We disable it by deafault.
    (Happens alot if there is a spaceball or spacemouse connected)

    /Mike S
    solidworks, Apr 8, 2005
  7. RageX

    P. Guest


    How did you go about proving this? I have a spaceball, use the corner
    and have random crashes. Did you ever catch with Rx?
    P., Apr 9, 2005
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