where to assign the line types that awd use for ocean standalone

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 21, 2005.

  1. Hi,

    I am now trying to use ocean in absolute stand alone mode as a plotting
    tool with simulation data from a command line run. That means that there
    is absolutely no analog artist information available, only the psf

    I am able to fill awd with graphs using commands from OCEAN and from
    SKILL, and I can hardcode which linetype is used when calling the
    awvPlotWaveform() function, but not when using the plot() function.

    My problem is that the plotted lines are a bit too thin and the stipple
    pattern a bit weak and the colors too few.

    I am hoping that there is a possibility to set the linewidths, colors,
    stipple patterns and datasymbols somewhere, like in a .oceanrc file in
    the current directory which is read by ocean when it starts so that I
    once and for all can set the widths and colors for the first 200 signals
    so that I can use the more simple OCEAN plot() function.

    I also have to mention that the data are results of parametric
    simulations so that there is always some magic going on in the bacground
    when I ask for something as simple as plot( VT("Q")).

    Kind regards,
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 21, 2005
  2. I have read a bit on display.drf in the manuals, and know how they look
    like, I see the possibility to swap some colors of my schematic capture
    so that I get a white background (nice for screen captures for
    documentation.) But how do I tie a local custom display.drf file to my
    working environment only?
    I have started on this, but it really take time to whip up all this code
    in a programming language that I hardly understand. I was looking at
    practicing at home on CLISP or Guile or something like that, but I
    discovered that the infix notation of SKILL is only available in SKILL
    and those other lisps do have some other commands. I decided to abandon
    that Idea.

    Thanks and regards,
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 22, 2005
  3. Svenn,
    If you are trying to modify the display packets for layers, From the
    icfb main window banner menu, select,
    *Tools->Display Resource Manager*
    In the new form, select, *Edit* .
    You will get another form, there,
    *Application = Basic*
    *Layers = All*

    Do the changes for the layers (y0-y9) you want. (You have to press apply
    for every layer)

    Then *File->Exit*
    It would ask you whether to save. Save it as display.drf in your
    invoking directory. It gets loaded automatically every time you invoke
    in that directory.

    The layout people in your team should be aware of all these things; ask
    them if you still could not get the things up.

    Suresh Jeevanandam, Jul 22, 2005
  4. Svenn,

    as I assume that you have just AWD runnig and not the full
    Framework I would suggest you to make a trial to load
    your custom display. drf file with in your .cdsinit

    [ g_askToSave ]
    => t | nil
    Loads the display resource file (usually called display.drf) from any

    in your .cdsinit

    The layers Artist generally is using to display the waves are the
    y0 to y9 drawing, so you have to modify the graphic packets of
    them to make them use a thinker line.

    Bernd Fischer, Jul 22, 2005
  5. Thanks, thats where my problem was.
    Kind regards,
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 22, 2005
  6. Svenn Are Bjerkem

    fogh Guest

    best use a thinker line for a thoughfuller & cleverer plot ;)
    fogh, Jul 24, 2005
  7. I actually meant 'thicker', but you know that ;-)
    Bernd Fischer, Jul 25, 2005
  8. I use both from ADE and stand alone. When I develop the testbenches, I
    use the interactive mode with analog artist in order to be able to add
    and modify elements quicly and select signals to see. When I am
    satisfied with the testbench, I switch to command line and ocean.

    I have copied the display.drf that is located in the analogLib library
    to a directory in my home dir. I have modified the entries in that
    display.drf to suit my likings and then load the display.drf on the CIW
    command line. I get a 't' as feedback from the drLoadDrf() command, but
    when I hit the plot button in ADE, the old colors show up.

    Is it possible that dfII only take display.drf into consideration during
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Jul 27, 2005
  9. In the end it was easier to use the technology file manager to set the
    line properties of the y0-y9 layers. Now at leas the first 10 waveforms
    have a solid line. I do see a difference in colours with respect to the
    colours set in the technology file editor.

    And the next problem is that from curve 11 on the stipple starts again.
    I would rather change the ticks and keep on using solid lines, but it
    seems not possible to set this from the technology file editor.

    Is this hardcoded in AWD?
    Svenn Are Bjerkem, Aug 3, 2005
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