"Where have all the CAD jobs gone??"

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Kevin Murray, Jun 7, 2005.

  1. Kevin Murray

    Kevin Murray Guest

    There should be a new Peter Paul and Mary song :

    "Where have all the CAD jobs gone??"

    Been trying everywhere. Nothing. Not even part-time. How do you find a CAD
    "in" for manufacturing when you don't know what kind of CAD they use.

    Kevin Murray
    Mt. Holly, NC
    Kevin Murray, Jun 7, 2005
  2. Kevin Murray

    Modat22 Guest

    I always found my jobs by doing cold calls, call one day and ask what
    the company does and who the owner is, ask who the CAD manager is.

    do this for several places one day and call back 2 or 3 days later and
    seek work.
    Modat22, Jun 7, 2005
  3. Apparently Toronto!
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 7, 2005
  4. Kevin Murray

    Brian Guest

    New Zealand?
    Brian, Jun 7, 2005
  5. Kevin Murray

    Cherokee Guest

    They have all gone to Bangumdesh and India for about
    $2.50 per hour.

    Cherokee, Jun 8, 2005
  6. I can't speak for manufacturers, but the construction industry here is
    revving past the redline for some time.
    Anybody who can draw can get a job....for now.
    Michael Bulatovich, Jun 8, 2005
  7. Kevin Murray

    Kevin Murray Guest

    Another point I have seen is the number of normal drawings dropping. What I
    mean is :

    1 P&ID drawing would spawn 15 to 30 loops, now employers say they just want
    to live with only the P&ID.

    I have seen details on Architectural drawings called our to drawings that
    don't exist because they cut costs and didn't make them.

    On 1 job they put the ceiling layout, lighting layout and floor tile layout
    all on one print to supposedly save.

    Employers taking these actions have hurt jobs

    K Murray
    Kevin Murray, Jun 9, 2005
  8. Kevin Murray

    SimonLW Guest

    Not exactly. Company A sees that it can build it cheaper and make more
    profits. Company A may not even be an American company. Company B who
    manufactured in the US sees no way to compete with A's prices, so it closes
    down its US plant and has product produced on foreign soil. It is a global
    economy and The US can only blame itself. The average US consumer wants to
    pay bottom dollar for products, want $20+ dollar an hour salary. We (US
    citizen) want to live like kings with our $25K+ average cars and amenity
    filled houses. $20+ dollar union plant jobs don't cut it anymore.

    Enjoy it while it lasts, the glory days are nearly over.
    SimonLW, Jun 9, 2005
  9. don't know about the rest of you but Alberta canada is booming.
    i know i know. canada sucks. yess its cold, yes the dollar is worth
    less, etc etc,

    hwever if you want to work, and work with good benifts northern alberta
    is the shits. why?

    simply because we have such a massive oil industry up hear (some are
    saying its gonna come in at second only to AUDI arabia) and that
    requires support services to keep it running. stores, hotels, shops,
    offices, housing.

    the construction industry for example in Grande Prairie (shout out to my
    peeps) is insane. i work for an engineering design company where we do
    commercial and industrial design. we have been busy for the past decade.
    however i only started 3 years ago so i can't actually talk from
    experiance. but i noticed that in jan of 2004 things started to go
    really nutz, and its been like that since then. no stopping. not even a
    bit. spring summer fall and winter they are building like mother
    fcukers, spring summer fall and winter they want they're designs 6
    months ago. there is no slowing down in the design feild up hear.

    we are booked atleast 6 months in the future with projects that people want.

    so.. don't be afraid to look up north. if your a youngin you won't
    regred it.

    Flame me please!:) i love it.

    rock on my hacker beiotches (Hommage to RAMZI + K.Rose)

    CadMasterAdam, Jun 9, 2005
  10. Kevin Murray

    Brian Guest

    Sounds similar to New Zealand except it's only cold up the mountains and
    the dollars doing OK.

    So..don't be afraid to look down south either...wer'e crying out for
    skilled immigrants.
    Brian, Jun 10, 2005
  11. Kevin Murray

    me Guest

    Sounds similar to New Zealand except it's only cold up the mountains and
    what kind of CAD people are needed in NZ?

    What abt Inventor users?
    me, Jun 10, 2005
  12. Kevin Murray

    Kevin Murray Guest

    No he doesn't !!

    Kevin Murray, Jun 11, 2005
  13. hey NZ might be alright..

    whats the CND $$ wage equivilant?
    CadMasterAdam, Jun 11, 2005
  14. Kevin Murray

    SimonLW Guest

    Apparently I have a better clue than you. I can name dozens of cases where a
    company ceased production and moved manufacturing to China or some other
    country due to the high costs of labor.
    SimonLW, Jun 15, 2005
  15. Kevin Murray

    user Guest

    Better yet, how about the ever rising excessive amount of
    corporate greed? Got to allow for their excessively exuberant
    stock options, right? More for American corporate greed by
    exporting our jobs. Hope all the Chinese and India consumers are
    going to buy lots of American manufactured goods, yeah right!
    All the money for corporate and screw the real legitimate
    American working people out of their way of life and income. Got
    to support those Communists, since they were our enemy for
    soooo..... long. America is so screwed. Congratulations to the
    pigs who pulled this off!
    user, Jun 15, 2005
  16. Kevin Murray

    me Guest

    All the money for corporate and screw the real legitimate
    Amen brother!
    me, Jun 15, 2005
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