Where do I find "Ship in a Bottle" Benchmark?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by reilly22, Mar 29, 2005.

  1. reilly22

    reilly22 Guest

    I recently ran the SPEC benchmark and was not happy with the results of
    my CPU. I have a Precision 370 with 3.0 Processor, 1 Meg of Ram, and
    an ATI FireGL 3100 Video card with 128 Megs of Ram. Below are the
    results. I wanted to run the Ship to get a second opinion. Anyone
    have any suggestions? Thanks.

    Test Averages for 5 tests(s).
    Test Total = 429.72
    Graphics = 168.57
    CPU = 94.67
    I/O = 166.48

    sw2005.Result.score = 1.73
    sw2005.Result.graphics = 1.02
    sw2005.Result.cpu = 3.34
    sw2005.Result.io = 1.79
    reilly22, Mar 29, 2005
  2. reilly22

    reilly22 Guest

    How do I run the benchmark?
    reilly22, Mar 29, 2005
  3. reilly22

    Wry&Dry Guest

    Just ran ship in bottle benchmark for the first time, did ctrl-q then ran
    the supplied macro.did the default 50 rebuilds and the posted score was
    32.95313 seconds. resolution set to 1600 x 1200 at 32 bit colour quality and
    85hz refresh rate.

    no idea if this is good or not but it is a yardstick for others.

    Wry&Dry, Mar 30, 2005
  4. reilly22

    Wry&Dry Guest

    Ok so just did the ship in bottle benchmark again with different settings:

    Optimize edge length - off. Shadows off
    with 'Shaded edges removed' and image quality slider at Max - 29.5
    with 'shaded edges' amd Image quality at Max - 30.5

    with 'shaded edges removed' and image quality slide at Min - 22.1
    with 'shaded edges' and image quality min - 22.5

    Note that shadows turned off increased performance by approx 1-2 seconds.

    MOBO - MSI K8N Neo2 - 2.0 gig Ram AMD Athlon 64 3500+
    Nvidia Quadro 4 900 XGL Win XP Pro SP2

    SolidWorks 2005 SP2.0

    will do my work PC which is a dual P4 3.2 Ghz with 2 gig ram and an FX1300
    card to see how that stacks up..

    Wry&Dry, Mar 31, 2005
  5. reilly22

    jjs Guest

    I forgot to mention

    I had the shadow off - forgot about even having it on !!

    I also forgot to say using sw2005 sp2 as well.

    Wry & Dry

    So I seem to be about 10 sec approx slower - with 500mb less Ram and
    a cheaper video card !! Usefull to know when alocating budgets next
    time around.


    jjs, Mar 31, 2005
  6. reilly22

    wry&dry Guest

    with 'Shaded edges removed' and image quality slider at Max - 29.2
    with 'shaded edges' amd Image quality at Max - 39.0

    with 'shaded edges removed' and image quality slide at Min - 28.8
    with 'shaded edges' and image quality min - 29.2

    MOBO - DONT KNOW - 2.0 gig Ram 2x P4 3.2 Ghz processors
    Nvidia Quadro FX 1300 Win XP Pro SP2

    SolidWorks 2005 SP2.0
    wry&dry, Apr 1, 2005
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