Where Did Design Library Go?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by pope, Jun 11, 2008.

  1. pope

    pope Guest

    Anyone know what happened in Toolbox between SW2004 and SW2008? I
    used to have a tab in the Feature Manager tree for adding screws, now
    I don't. When I run the SW Tutorial it says to click on the Design
    Library icon, which I don't have. I have added Toolbox in the Add Ins
    and get cams and stuff like that, just no screws. If I use Smart
    Fasteners I can get screws, but I can't always use Smart Fasteners.
    pope, Jun 11, 2008
  2. pope

    pope Guest

    Oh man I'm a total lamer, it was in that new thing that pops up on the
    right hand side of the screen.Is this what is called the Task Pane? So
    many things to learn coming from SW20004.

    Sorry for the lame message.
    pope, Jun 11, 2008
  3. pope

    fcsuper Guest

    Aw, the joys of the Task Pane.
    fcsuper, Jun 12, 2008
  4. pope

    j Guest

    At least they didn't switch too much from 2008 to 2009. Yes the shock of
    the new interface in 2008 is quite drastic. It does grow on you after
    using it for a while.
    j, Jun 12, 2008
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