wheelmouse bindkeys for dfII

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by fogh, Jul 19, 2004.

  1. fogh

    fogh Guest

    If you have useful bindkeys for the wheel, please send them to the NG. Here is a function that will at least derive bindings for wheel and [alt]+wheel for the arrow mappings.

    procedure( CmMouseWheelLikeArrows()
    let( (application key button binding CmKeyToButtonMapping)
    ;; This is the configurable part:
    CmKeyToButtonMapping=list(list("Up" "None<Btn4Down>")
    list("Down" "None<Btn5Down>")
    list("Right" "Alt<Btn4Down>")
    list("Left" "Alt<Btn5Down>")
    ;; foreach(application setof( app hiGetBindKeyPrefixList() and(rexMatchp("^[^ ]" app) hiGetBindKeys(app))) ;;it seems difficult to list bindkeys without a view window *'sigh'*
    foreach(application '("Schematics" "Command Interpreter" "Show File" "Symbol" "Graphics Browser" "Layout")
    foreach( ArrowButtonPair CmKeyToButtonMapping
    key=car(ArrowButtonPair) button=cadr(ArrowButtonPair)
    if( binding=hiGetBindKey(application key)
    hiSetBindKey( application button binding)
    ;;of course it always works! Lets return OK :)
    fogh, Jul 19, 2004
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