What's with Propa-Gator

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Muggs, Nov 9, 2006.

  1. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Hello All,

    Well with all the ranting I've seen on another NG about highjacking, I
    thought instead of replying to John (sleepy) Layne (if you don't get it
    that's OK) in the "Help file coverage..." thread, I would start a new

    I purchased Propa-Gator 2 or so years ago and I haven't seen any
    development on it at all. Is it dead or is Brenda just very busy with
    other stuff. I've been using V3 beta for pretty much all that time.
    Please don't get me wrong, I love Propa-Gator and use it enough to have
    already justified the meager cost. But when John brought up the help
    thing not working in for ever.

    I guess the point of this tome is that although I purchased Propa-Gator,
    I never really used it because I couldn't figure it out completely until
    I saw Ben Eadie do a pod cast on it.

    Boy, was that helpful! I guess if a picture is worth thousand words then
    a video is worth million.
    Let me finish by saying that the is NOT A BASH of Propa-Gator, but it is
    a perfect example of how a "little" thing like a help file can make or
    break your app.

    Muggs, Nov 9, 2006
  2. I run across Brenda every now and then (that sounds like I step on her).
    She's recently switched her employment venue (I think she's doing custom
    stuff on a contract basis). She's still very dedicated to the SolidWorks
    environment, demonstrated by the advents she attends and everywhere I see
    and discuss new Solidworks features and Propa-Gator's marketing potentials
    with her (I'm still trying to get my company to see it's benefits and
    purchase the full version [yep, they are cheap]).

    I don't know what new features could be added to Propa-Gator for version 3,
    but maybe if some of you were to make some constructive suggestions, she may
    have something to help her to direct her efforts to enhance Propa-Gator
    version 3 in her spare time.

    OK, now for the geeky engineering type guy, she's a blonde and cute, so give
    her a break, we all have a life and I'm sure she does also! If she had some
    direct input from users, I know she'd make those changes.

    Keith Streich, Nov 10, 2006
  3. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Wow, Keith, I thought that made it really clear that I was NOT bashing
    anyone or even Propa-Gator for that matter. I was just trying to make a
    point that the help file is a very important piece of the software puzzle.

    I hope I didn't offend Brenda at all!


    Muggs, Nov 10, 2006
  4. Muggs

    customsolids Guest

    Not offended, but duly prompted.

    In the mean time, I am most grateful to Ben Eadie for his innovative
    and well-executed podcast demo!


    customsolids, Dec 6, 2006
  5. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    Thanks Brenda,

    I'm glad you were not offended; that certainly was not my intension.
    As far as constructive crits goes, I was wondering if it were possible
    to add being able to copy the document properties (part, assembly, and
    drawing) including lighting, from one file and populate (Propa-Gate)
    those to a group of files.
    Here's what I'm faced with a lot. I get some "half baked" assembly of
    "half baked" parts and I'm asked to "finish this". But I can't stand the
    way some of the lighting arrangements or document properties that some
    peeps have come up with, and I wind up drawing it all from scratch.

    I know this my sound petty (and probably is) but it's annoying enough to me.

    BTW, I know that there's the excel thing from the German dude, but that
    only does one file at a time. Although it does it VERY well.


    Muggs, Dec 6, 2006
  6. Muggs

    customsolids Guest

    Hmm...My last post does not seem to be showing up here...
    The gist of it was: Thanks for the good ideas, Muggs. I may come back
    to you for more specifics on how the Lighting thing should work.

    --Brenda, CustomSolids

    customsolids, Dec 6, 2006
  7. Muggs

    Muggs Guest

    You're welcome,

    You can contact me directly if you like.
    Leave the numbers but take out "the trash" in my email to respond.


    Muggs, Dec 6, 2006
  8. Muggs

    TOP Guest

    Constructive? Boy do I have one.

    I have had to write my own code to do this but I could conceivably be
    written into PG. How about the ability to make an ODBC connection
    (Access for those in Rio Linda) and pull or push data to custom props
    from a database?

    In other words:

    Capability #1
    IF Field in Record = Something THEN
    WRITE another Field to Custom Properties.

    Capability #2
    IF Config Specific Custom Property = Something THEN
    WRITE Custom Property to Database Record
    TOP, Dec 7, 2006
  9. Muggs

    pete Guest

    A great enhancement would be to save the settings to a template so that when
    moving to a new machine. it's all there. Unless there is a way and I haven't
    seen it yet.

    pete, Dec 8, 2006
  10. Muggs

    customsolids Guest

    Yes, that is something I had thought of doing but was not sure if
    others would find it useful. Actually, I had been thinking of allowing
    any input set to be saved off in a named file that could be opened and
    re-used later (rather than just storing the last-run values). The
    input files could also be copied from one computer to another or stored
    on a network location. It's helpful to know that you think something
    along these lines would be useful. Currently there is no function for
    doing this directly, but a work-around could be to "propagate" the
    current settings into a dummy SW part and then have the other user read
    in the properties from that part (Click on "Replicate properties from
    sample file").

    I may not be adding a lot of additional functions into Version 3 before
    release since it has become a (very) well tested Beta. I'll be adding
    in a help file and doing mostly "cosmetic" clean-up on it to get it
    ready for prime time. (If anyone is aware of other performance issues
    with Ver. 3 that haven't been addressed yet, please let me know... ) I
    can be reached off-NG at the e-mail listed in Contact Us on the
    customsolids.com website.

    Your suggestion may be simple enough to incorporate into V3 at this
    point, but many of the more extensive suggestions will become part of a
    "New and Improved" Propa-Gator which I hope to start in on as soon as
    V3 is fully hatched. I really do appreciate all the constructive
    ideas. It's good to know people are really using the program!


    customsolids, Dec 8, 2006
  11. Muggs

    Ben Eadie Guest

    I really do appreciate all the constructive
    Your program is a MAJOR part of my business, you alone have saved me
    from literally thousands of hours of frustration!


    Ben Eadie, Dec 14, 2006
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