What's Up with Windows Installer in SolidWorks 2004

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Per O. Hoel, Jan 28, 2004.

  1. Per O. Hoel

    Per O. Hoel Guest

    I have never liked the Windows Installer method for SolidWorks and had
    always opted for the Traditional method.

    Now that all users are "forced" to employ the WI method with SWKS
    2004, many individuals are probably dealing with it for the first

    The recent reports of installation, service pack appliication and
    rollback problems would suggest that the WI method is getting more
    troublesome; however, I have to wonder if the sudden increase in use
    of the WI may simply be acting to shed light on issues that are no
    worse than before?

    On the other hand, perhaps the increasing size of the SolidWorks
    program (and its Ad-In applications) have begun to bring the WI method
    to the brink of failure.

    To use SP2.1 as an example, how can it take longer to update
    SolidWorks SP2.0 (with a relatively small 7Mb patch) than it did to
    install the Entire program in the first place?

    How can upgrading with a 7Mb patch result in a text-based log file
    that is 1.2Mb in size?

    How can the associated eDrawing update (also roughly 7Mb) use the WI
    so efficiently while completing the process with relative lightning

    I'd certainly be interested to know what percentage of the users were
    relying solely upon the Traditional installation method, prior to the
    release of SWKS 2004.

    I have to think that the usage of the WI method used to be rather
    small by comparison or it worked rather well with previous SolidWorks
    major releases and is just starting to break down in 2004.

    What's the consensus?

    Per O. Hoel
    Per O. Hoel, Jan 28, 2004
  2. Windows Installer is Microsoft "technology" : it keeps track of everything,
    just in case...
    It *might* be that disabling restore points *could* make things faster.
    Didn't knew that soon enough, but I will definitely try it for SP3...
    Looks from my (huge) log file that SW SP2.1 patches a lot of small things in
    many files while
    eDrawing contains less but larger patches.
    Wow! I didn't even notice that my "sw2004-1.0-2.1-i.log" was 14.7 Mb long !

    But everything is possible in IT (Information Theory):
    the C program below is 133 chars long and produces 15'000 decimals of pi!
    (fast, and with integer numbers only!)

    Philippe Guglielmetti, Jan 28, 2004
  3. Per O. Hoel

    Dave H Guest

    We've always used the traditional install in the past. We have 3 seats
    that I maintain plus two home seats that I maintain. With the problems
    it's causing me I'm close to reccommending we drop Subscription service
    in the future if they don't bring back the Install Shield option. The
    WI problems and support time required just aren't worth it.

    Dave H
    Dave H, Jan 28, 2004
  4. <SNIP>


    My download of SP2.1 from SP1.0 was somewhere around 75MB.
    Where did you get a patch that was only 7MB?

    Were looking at Unigraphics now that we've been purchased by a company that already uses UG.

    Malcolm_Tempt, Jan 28, 2004
  5. Per O. Hoel

    Jacob Filek Guest

    0.0 to 2.1 = 151 MB

    Jacob Filek, Jan 28, 2004
  6. Yep, that's true, imho. I've done two WI in the past and they were just
    as bad or worse, TI is much easier and faster as well as uninstalling
    I would think SW Corp has/had enough data that the TI was used the most
    With previous Windows versions being phased out, the WI has to be a M$
    compliance issue.
    The users are being forced to use the WI... so, more complaints.

    Paul Salvador, Jan 28, 2004
  7. Per O. Hoel

    Nick E. Guest

    here's a nice upgrade process.

    I'll just ignore the fact that WI at one point told me it would be over 4
    HOURS to complete the upgrade!!

    overall time was roughly an hour.

    1. begin upgrade.
    2. insert CD1.
    3. insert CD2.
    3. "Upgrade done. Wanna reboot?" Sure!!!
    4. Wait.
    5. Wait?
    6. Uh...why am I still waiting???
    7. "Please Insert CD3"
    8. Huh?
    9. Insert CD3.
    10. Wait.
    11. "Unable to reboot automatically. Please do it yourself."
    12. Ooooo-kaaaayyy.
    13. Reboot.
    14. Wait.
    15. Restart SW.

    What the heck is up with CD3 AFTER the upgrade is done?

    --nick e.
    Nick E., Jan 29, 2004
  8. We've always used the traditional installer.
    I wonder if some of the long patch times are due to having other SW
    installations? The three of us have 2001+ still on our machines for old
    products and all had fairly painful (we weren't timing them) upgrades (two
    of us from SP0, one from SP1).

    Jerry Steiger
    Tripod Data Systems
    Jerry Steiger, Feb 3, 2004
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