What's the report function going to be for?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by siarnne, Apr 30, 2004.

  1. siarnne

    siarnne Guest

    I was coding the visual lisp ide, fleshing out a program when I discovered this function by accident.
    I was typing a setq statement and planned on calling the variable report_list
    As soon as I finished typing report, it turned blue.
    This was vanilla AutoCAD 2005, so I don't think it's a function instantiated by a vertical application or add-on.
    There wasn't anything on it in the Autolisp Reference, so I just plugged it at the command line to see what it would do.
    I half-expected it to say 'wrong number of arguments to a function, or something similar."
    Instead it kicked this message back:
    Error:Visual LISP does not currently support: (REPORT)
    Anybody have the inside tack on what it's going to be used for and when it will be instantiated?
    siarnne, Apr 30, 2004
  2. siarnne

    BillZ Guest

    BillZ, Apr 30, 2004
  3. The report function is a very old pre-cursor to reactors that
    never saw the light of day. It only worked in pre-R13 DOS
    versions of AutoCAD.

    IOW, it's a dead issue.
    Tony Tanzillo, Apr 30, 2004
  4. You could also see:

    instantiated by a vertical application or add-on.
    it at the command line to see what it would do.
    will be instantiated?
    Joel Roderick, Apr 30, 2004
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