whats new PDF leaked (again)time...NDA? WTF...

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by neil, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. neil

    neil Guest

    for those on the ball and reading the SW09 whats new ;o)
    do I take it the performance improvement talked about at SWW08 is only in
    v.large assy via SpeedPak? i.e there is NO improvement for general

    also I mention is passing the 3 beta versions for SW09 lasting 4, 2 and 2
    weeks REALLY!!
    all I can say to that is that SW own testing had better be damn good cos
    they wont be finding and fixing much in that scenario.

    neil, Jun 5, 2008
  2. neil

    neil Guest

    btw I wasnt about to talk about what I am reading in the whats new - just
    asking if other readers take that to be the case as well..
    neil, Jun 5, 2008
  3. neil

    dvanzile3 Guest

    Hey neil,

    If you look again at that section you will notice that speedpak is a
    separate tool to use for performance gains when working with models
    and complex features. It looks like there are also performance
    enhancements for specific commands that we should notice when working
    with larger datasets... specifically large assemblies and drawings.
    I'm kinda confused by what you mean by general work though. For my
    gereral work the only time I would want a performance increase is when
    I'm working on larger assemblies or rebuilding large drawings, which
    seems to be the areas that were looked at first (makes sense). I'm
    interested to see if it is because of optimized code or more functions
    being sent to multicore processors. But... I do understand your
    skepticsm and we'll all just have to wait and see.

    But as far as 'general' work... Sw draws lines and circles pretty
    fast by my feble human senses. I'm interested in seeing what general
    work your talking about. The one thing that I would like to see a
    huge performace increase aside from large assemblies and drawings is
    when rebuilding complex pattern features. This is still a very slow
    process when large feature patterns are required.

    dvanzile3, Jun 5, 2008
  4. neil

    j Guest

    Is the whats new available somewhere or do I need to sign up for more
    beta work.
    j, Jun 5, 2008
  5. neil

    dvanzile3 Guest

    You have to be signed up for the beta participation to have the what's
    new available to you.

    dvanzile3, Jun 5, 2008
  6. neil

    dvanzile3 Guest

    It wasn't actually ever posted 'officially' by SW. There was a glitch
    on their webiste which I believed they fixed.
    If you went to the link to the 2008 what's new and changed the 2008 to
    2009 in the url..... you got the 2009 what's new.

    dvanzile3, Jun 5, 2008
  7. neil

    dvanzile3 Guest

    yea I agree... were almost in mid-June already!

    dvanzile3, Jun 5, 2008
  8. neil

    dvanzile3 Guest

    Hey tnik... what's your email?
    dvanzile3, Jun 5, 2008
  9. neil

    dvanzile3 Guest

    nevermind, I got it. Sent you something.

    dvanzile3, Jun 5, 2008
  10. neil

    neil Guest

    you might find something at eng-tips too ;o)
    neil, Jun 6, 2008
  11. neil

    neil Guest

    hey Don,

    well I was sorta led to believe from the scant information available that
    A) the CEO was setting a direction for.. um.. let me see if I remember..
    ah.. scalability , performance and reliability ( not necessarily in that
    order or in importance of course ;o) )
    B) SWW08 whats coming in 09 showed off considerable speed ups for some
    things -like 4 fold..

    now like you I was thinking quad processor enabled or something...
    but when I looked at the whats new it seemed to me maybe it was all just to
    do with another variant of proxy (lightweight) parts in v.large

    myself I am not so interested in v.large assemblies ( - I wonder just how
    large they mean? >500 parts?..) but I'll take any good gains in rebuilds for
    complex parts, smaller assys and annotating dwgs...

    I really hope I am not going to be disappointed by marketing spin..(again)

    neil, Jun 6, 2008
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