What's New in 2005 (VBA)?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by wivory, Jun 30, 2004.

  1. wivory

    wivory Guest

    Does such a document exist anywhere? I've just had a look at a copy of 2005 that a colleague got recently and I see the Help has a Workshop for what's new in 2005 itself, but I was interested to know if there have been updates to the VBA Object Model and the like.


    Wayne Ivory
    IT Analyst Programmer
    Wespine Industries Pty Ltd
    wivory, Jun 30, 2004
  2. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    Once you've paid for licensing the product you have to pay AutoDesk
    hidden fees -- annually -- to obtain the documentation that they will
    not provide with their product. Right?

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 3, 2004
  3. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    The documentation is not provided with the products we pay for.
    If it was I would not be told that I have to pay hidden costs to
    join some ADN or to have access to secret newsgroups not available
    to me as a customer.

    What does this ADN actually provide? The way I see it -- from the
    outside -- a few code samples, the documentation that should be
    provided with the product and one or more newsgroups for others to
    discuss issues of concern.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 3, 2004
  4. Clinton,

    When joining ADN member receives new releases of every Autodesk vertical and
    add-on (either on CDs or via FTP). Member gets an access to ADN web site
    (access to every platform and language pack released by Autodesk up to now)
    and ADN web-based forums. Even more important is the fact that ADN member
    may download and license the software for developing purposes. There's also
    a special "showcase" room for developers products and Autodesk partners. Not
    to mention documentation you may download from one place (otherwise you need
    to gather scattered chunks of it around the Web).

    I'm not telling that Autodesk does the job perfectly, but as being part of a
    team that uses Microsoft's and Oracle's developer network services they're
    not far from it. The major drawback is the obvious lack of experts and ACAD
    developers (some of the dev. pools may be found in Germany, Portugal, South
    America, India and Russia).

    Maksim Sestic
    Maksim Sestic, Jul 3, 2004
  5. Are you claiming you cannot find the API documentation? And that Autodesk
    has informed you that documentation is available for an additional fee?
    Frank Oquendo, Jul 3, 2004
  6. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    As far as I've been able to determine no, I have not been able to
    locate any API documentation regarding how to use ObjectARX,
    VBA or C# with the product I have already purchased but am
    unable to modify or use the way I want and need to.

    At the moment I don't want to pay AutoDesk any more hidden fees.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 4, 2004
  7. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    Thank you for taking your time to explain. Microsoft does not charge
    for documentation for any of their products. Yes, there are fees required
    to obtain an MSDN subscription you are referring to but comparing
    MSDN subscriptions to product documentation is not

    I know this to be correct because I have had MSDN subscriptions and
    have been involved in Microsoft partner programs. Microsoft does not
    charge for product documentation.

    Well, let me put it this way, I can get product documentation free from
    Microsoft via msdn.microsoft.com or on CD/DVD but all I'd have to
    pay for is the nominal cost of recordable media and shipping which
    as I recall has never ever ever been more than $20.00.

    No secret website. No ridiculous 'showcase' where nobody except
    those who pay the bribe moneycan see anything. No major vendor that
    is doing business ethically and honestly makes customers pay hidden
    fees to learn how to use their products.

    I already paid AutoDesk for the AutoCAD/ADT 2004 software and I
    can not do any development on my own for my own use without paying
    hidden fees for documentation.

    At the moment, I do not want or need any other AutoDesk software
    applications. I only want to be able to use the software I already paid for.
    As I customer I should be provided with complete documentation for
    ObjectARX, VBA, C#, LISP and any other interface to the software
    I have already paid for.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 4, 2004
  8. Jorge Jimenez, Jul 4, 2004
  9. The ObjectARX API is a free download and includes documentation for both
    C++ and C#.

    The ActiveX API documentation for VBA is built directly into AutoCAD itself
    as is the documentation for the AutoLISP and VisualLISP languages.
    I'd be surprised if you could find the hidden fees considering you can't
    locate the F1 key.
    Frank Oquendo, Jul 4, 2004
  10. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    The F1 key is the first approach I tried when wanting to learn how to
    create and access a Hyperlinked drawing element only to discover
    the help files are outdated and contain incorrect information. At that
    point I did stop looking for the time being as I'm just getting restarted
    with this software after a long hiatus.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 4, 2004
  11. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    I'll say I've been misinformed. Thanks for referring me to documentation
    resources. The ADT2004 helpfiles are GFS.

    Do you know how often the documentation you refer to is updated?
    Is it accurate? The helpfiles are not.

    When there are errors and ommission they should be documented
    using errata. If missing, that will be my next problem. Again, thank you...

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 4, 2004
  12. They are quite accurate, and updated for each release, but not for each
    software update.
    But still pretty good to get you going.
    In case you need further clarification, the folks who visit this NG and the
    ObjectARX NG do have allot of experience and a search for the correct
    subject will most likely lead you to the info you require, if not, someone
    will sure jump in and help you out.
    Jorge Jimenez, Jul 5, 2004
  13. Help files should be considered as the starting point, and as you say,
    contain errors.
    Ask over here if you get stuck.

    About the HyperLinks, this was posted by TomD last year on this NG.
    There are tons more if look around.

    Dim eCircle As AcadCircle, eTxt As AcadText
    Set eCircle = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddCircle(vInsPnt, 0.0015)
    Set eTxt = ThisDrawing.ModelSpace.AddText(" " & sPid, vInsPnt, 0.001)
    '================================HYPERLINK PART
    'Add hyperlink to circle
    Dim eHLnx As AcadHyperlinks, eHLnk As AcadHyperlink
    Set eHLnx = eCircle.Hyperlinks
    Set eHLnk = eHLnx.Add("P:\Quads\NGSDataSheets\" & sPid & ".txt")
    'FYI: sPid is just a string, such as "KY2045"
    '================================END HYPERLINK PART
    eCircle.Update: eTxt.Update
    Set eHLnk = Nothing: Set eHLnx = Nothing
    Set eCircle = Nothing: Set eTxt = Nothing

    Saludos, Ing. Jorge Jimenez, SICAD S.A., Costa Rica

    Jorge Jimenez, Jul 5, 2004
  14. "clintonG"
    It's not the documentation that they don't provide with
    the product that represents the 'hidden' cost.

    In order to use most of the API's effectively, you have
    to know about the known defects and issues, and whether
    there are any workarounds for them.

    Autodesk restricts access to critical information related
    to APIs; defects; and related issues, and provides that only
    to ADN members. IOW, you must pay them for the privilege
    of knowing what's wrong with their product.

    Not only does this represent a hidden cost, it serves to
    do significant, widespread harm to customers. To call this
    practice despicable, is an understatement.
    Tony Tanzillo, Jul 7, 2004
  15. wivory

    wivory Guest

    Sorry to hijack my own thread back ;-) but I guess the fact that nobody directly responded means that there isn't such a document. Anybody who's got into it want to offer a short precis on (VBA) differences they've noticed?


    wivory, Jul 8, 2004
  16. Wayne,

    There's no document named "AutoCAD API Workarounds" neither on ADN nor at
    any other place on the Net. This is one of the major differences between,
    say, ADN and MSDN (except the magnitude, but that's understandable when
    we're talking about Microsoft). I said once, back up the thread, that
    Autodesk suffers a serious lack of experts. The company services "average
    users", whatsoever the meaning of mentioned group, but professional
    developers need more. I'd warmly suggest Autodesk hiring more professionals
    (programmers, developers), getting more in-depth studies of their basic
    platform functionality, etc, etc. Sometimes it seems as they just can't bear
    the burden of standard setters, although they are one, willingly or not.

    Maksim Sestic

    directly responded means that there isn't such a document. Anybody who's
    got into it want to offer a short precis on (VBA) differences they've
    Maksim Sestic, Jul 9, 2004
  17. wivory

    wivory Guest

    Sorry Maksim, I think you misunderstood my question. The "document" I was referring to was the one in the thread title, ie "What's New in 2005 (VBA)". Even if there is no such document, I was hoping somebody (or bodies) might care to comment on differences they've noticed themselves.


    wivory, Jul 12, 2004
  18. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    Better late than never Clinton responds...

    Thanks for clarifying comments Tony but I consider disclosure
    of known defects and the like to be included as documentation.

    The rest of the world -- those that are not low life pimps --
    refer to those parts of the documentation as errata.

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 14, 2004
  19. wivory

    clintonG Guest

    BTW -- not referring to Tony Tanzillo but to AutoDesk corporate...

    <%= Clinton Gallagher
    A/E/C Consulting, Web Design, e-Commerce Software Development
    Wauwatosa, Milwaukee County, Wisconsin USA
    NET csgallagher@ REMOVETHISTEXT metromilwaukee.com
    URL http://www.metromilwaukee.com/clintongallagher/
    clintonG, Jul 14, 2004
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