What tecknics will you use to model this type of assembly configuration?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Aug 3, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    If it were you what technics will you use to model this type of
    assembly http://home.comcast.net/~wangphk/SolidWorks/Parts/Assembly-Line-Station.jpg
    (it is for an assembly line where each station will have a fume
    extractor unit above the solder station) configuration, one person
    station, 2 person hanging station on the same side (top left picture),
    2 person station face to face, 2 person station desktop (middle left
    picture) and so forth.

    Will you start with one station assemble with one sub-assembly, using
    table pattern to increase the length of the desk, using configuration
    to mirror one station to make a 2 station face to face etc? I am
    having problem to picture how I am going to model the destk and
    populate the same sub-assembly (Fume extractor unit in this case) over
    and over with a minimal of step. Since this is for a presentation
    purpose, the table could be model in any way as long as it offers the
    flexibility of showing different configuration to the audiences.

    Any suggestion to start this in the right direction would be greatly
    John, Aug 3, 2004
  2. John

    Ken Maren Guest

    For me at looking at this it depends on what type of document control
    you follow. The easiest way to make this is to first assemble the
    configuration that has everything. Then make the other files or
    configurations from that either using a Design Table or just
    suppressing parts as you need.

    Personally I would do seperate files but start making the file with
    all the components in it and then do the save as and remove the files
    that don't belong in that assemblys layout.

    Ken Maren, Aug 3, 2004
  3. John

    aamoroso Guest

    I would definitely create configurations of the components (if needed,
    ie: longer tables). Then craete your assy file with the different
    configs of the final assemblies. You can then place the different
    configs into a drawing doc or whatever other file type you need. If
    each assy was its own file you would have to access all of these files
    to show the presentation instead of a single file. Just seems more
    stable to go with configurations, plus it gives you the ability to
    change things on the fly for all configs.
    aamoroso, Aug 4, 2004
  4. John

    John Guest

    Thank you all for your suggestion and help.

    Based on your input, I did a table driven for the desk. Where the
    length of the table change for 1, 2, 3... person.

    Then I create an assembly with the fume extractor for each station for
    4 persons. Then create a configuration to suppress the fume extractor
    based on the length of the table.

    This method while it is working; it's not efficient (I must do
    something incorrectly). Since I have:

    - to manually suppress or hide the fume extractor for each
    - I am having problem to preserve the mating relation between the desk
    and . Effectively, after mirroring these fume extractor, I don't have
    any mating relationship for the mirror components. Trying to manually
    re-create the mating relation of the mirror component to the desk will
    result an over defined mating relationship error. I have no clue why
    I am having this problem.

    Anyway, that's it for now. I will go back and try to find out the
    problem later.
    John, Aug 11, 2004
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