what multi-monitor configuration most efficient???

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by rkremser, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. rkremser

    rkremser Guest

    Hello, I just got a second display for my workstation and am playing around
    with the displays. Are people commonly spanning the two screens and how
    exactly is it done. I can maximize the window but it doesn't exactly seem
    like the best solution for a seond monitor. Just looking to see what other
    people are doing.
    rkremser, Nov 7, 2006
  2. I don't span the two screens. I use one for SolidWorks and the other
    for whatever else I may have open at the time (generally email and
    Jeff Mirisola, Nov 7, 2006
  3. rkremser

    ambush Guest

    I extend my desktop to the second monitor (primary 24" lcd - left side,
    secondary 19" lcd - right side) and I rotate my secondary by 90ยบ and move my
    task bar vertical on the left side of secondary monitor. I use the second
    monitor for email, web stuff, word, excel, pdf's. I like it rotate because
    then I don't have to scroll as much. I experimented moving some SW toolbars
    and stuff over to the secondary but I found I was wasting a lot of time
    moving my mouse between monitors. I could never go back to one monitor.

    ambush, Nov 7, 2006
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