What is your normal hourly rate as a contractor?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by John, Jun 8, 2004.

  1. John

    John Guest


    I am wondering what the normal hourly rate is when you are hired to
    design a simplify (cosmetic only) conceptual project for an
    advertisement. It composes a 3D model assembly of a cabinet, a
    computer fan, intake duct, filters, front covers, power button, 2 LED.
    Additionally, I will have to generate an engineering drawing with
    overall dimension, with BOM, eventually assembly instruction for
    customer approvals and for the mold & assembly shop.

    Your input and feedback is greatly appreciated.

    John, Jun 8, 2004
  2. John

    John Guest

    Many thanks for your input.

    If I apply your scheme to my case, it will be grossly $40/H.

    I am located in the East coast by the way.
    John, Jun 9, 2004
  3. John

    Rich Guest

    Flat rate: $30/hour. I like the different type of work and have fun doing it!!

    Rich, Jun 9, 2004
  4. John

    cadishaq Guest

    Don't get out of bed for under $75 an hour
    cadishaq, Jun 12, 2004
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