What is the Xchangeworks Utility?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by G. De Angelis, Aug 16, 2007.

  1. Can someone here tell me what the Exchangeworks or Xchangeworks
    Utility is? It is an option that appears, upon installing
    Solidworks. The help file yields zero, surprisingly enough.

    Thank you,
    G. De Angelis

    Valhallagrafix LTD
    (401) 749-1209

    G. De Angelis, Aug 16, 2007
  2. G. De Angelis

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Dale Dunn, Aug 17, 2007
  3. G. De Angelis, Aug 17, 2007
  4. G. De Angelis

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Thank you; when I received nothing from the help files, Google didn't
    It wasn't the first thing to come to my mind either. I was writing a up a
    rambling reply about how it was used a a marketing tool against Autodesk
    and I suddenly remembered (or at least imagined) that it once had it's own
    web site. That was when I finally thought of using Google.

    IIRC, Adesk was charging extra for STEP importers when this came out. So SW
    released Xchangeworks and killed that revenue stream for Adesk. I think it
    came with a free part modeling environment too. This was about the SW 99 or
    2000 time frame.
    Dale Dunn, Aug 17, 2007
  5. G. De Angelis

    zxys Guest

    BTW, did you see that Ade$k put out a Inventor LT which has similar
    Wow, their marketing guys are on the ball!, they're so clever, so
    innovative and such assholes.
    I still want to see that company sink into the SF Bay!

    Oh, let's not forget who some of them are.... http://zxys.com/misc/halloweens_coming.jpg

    zxys, Aug 17, 2007
  6. G. De Angelis

    Dale Dunn Guest

    Indeed, Adesk cannot be trusted at all. I would never recommend working
    with then even if their software was on a par with SW. Remember when they
    merged the ACAD and MDT licenses just before Inventor came out? That way,
    anyone who wanted to use IV with ACAD had to buy a new license of ACAD!

    Now this Inventor LT silliness. Get users hooked (in theory) and later
    they'll charge for it. IIRC, the anticipated price is comparable to Alibre,
    which should be more complete than IV LT by far. Brilliant.
    Dale Dunn, Aug 17, 2007
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