what is the best way to emboss text on tube?

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Gil Alsberg, Aug 3, 2005.

  1. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Hi Everyone,
    i would like to hear suggestions on how to emboss text on a tube while the
    text extrusion axis on each letter should be pointing towards the tube
    center axis (normal to tube surface).
    is there a way to create in one sketch text object many letters and
    afterwards by some manipulation to emboss the whole text inside the tube
    without orienting each letter on a plane which is perpendicular to the
    center axis of the tube? - i mean in such manner, that afterwards, every
    little change in the text sketch object will update the whole embossing
    process automaticaly.
    Gil Alsberg, Aug 3, 2005
  2. Gil Alsberg

    ADS Guest

    Maybe create a trimmed surface from the sketch, then use the "thicken
    cut" option in surface features?

    I'm not sure this would update with text changes though...

    ADS, Aug 3, 2005
  3. Gil Alsberg

    IYM Guest

    If I read you right, I do this all the time on the counters we
    make...[non-electronic counting wheels as back up systems in aircraft -
    pilots I guess still don't trust the electronics completely!! :) ] We have
    to show screened numbers going around a wheel, so the best way is to use the
    "wrap" feature.

    Create your text on one plane as needed, exit the sketch. then select the
    sketch from the tree and then "insert->features->wrap" and select the

    IYM, Aug 3, 2005
  4. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    what do you mean exactly? can you be more specific?

    if i create planar surfaces from the sketch, then what is the next step? how
    should i bend them (flex wont work) or orient them aroud the center axis of
    the tube?


    Gil Alsberg, Aug 3, 2005
  5. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    Well for those who are interested - i found an approximate solution, which
    although it is not elegant, i think it is quite smart.
    I've created a flat extruded rectangle with the text protruding from him
    towards the inside face of the tube. Now this is were it gets interesting
    (for all those who claimed that the flex feature is unnecesery and
    unhandy) - i used the flex feture with bend on it, in order to bend the
    plate with the text so it will sit inside the tube perfectly. afterwards, a
    simple combine with subtract finished the job.... and now the text is
    embossed inside the tube perfectly with the ability at any time to change
    the content, size, style and format of the text.

    any comments, suggestions on how to make it better or more simple, or
    suggestions on a different methode will be highly appriciated.

    Gil Alsberg
    Gil Alsberg, Aug 4, 2005
  6. Gil Alsberg

    Timelord Guest


    I don't understand why you are doing it with such an arcane method. As
    Remy and Scott suggested, the wrap feature does exactly what you want,
    very easily.

    Timelord, Aug 4, 2005
  7. Gil Alsberg

    IYM Guest

    "yo - some may call, ya'll a dope,
    for not lis'nin to all da quotes..
    we done 'toll you hows to do it right!!
    so is you jus' doin' it this way out of spite?
    why ya'll messin' wit all 'dat crap,
    when all ya'll gots to do is use the freakin' rap!! (wrap!!)"

    Oh well, you can lead a horse to water, but you can't make 'em drink it... I
    guess I could drive to work in reverse and still eventually get to my job
    too, but why?


    (PS - Can you tell I'm white?) :)) heh...
    IYM, Aug 4, 2005
  8. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    well, KK, honestly i dont see or saw their repleis! and i'm unfamiliar with
    the wrap feature! thank's for pointing me to this feature i will check it on
    the online help.

    Gil Alsberg, Aug 4, 2005
  9. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    good ryming man! read what i replied to timelord and you will understand why
    i such a hugh complication out of this.
    Gil Alsberg, Aug 4, 2005
  10. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    maybe there is somthing wrong with my outlook express settings, but i can't
    spot any new posts or replies about my thread from guys named Remy and
    Scott! wiered isn't it?!
    Gil Alsberg, Aug 4, 2005
  11. Gil Alsberg

    Gil Alsberg Guest

    in ie - "google newsgroups" those posts appear, but on my outlook express
    they don't! as if my news client is screening some of the posts randomly
    Gil Alsberg, Aug 4, 2005
  12. Gil Alsberg

    WNeill Guest

    WNeill, Aug 5, 2005
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