what is library design and modeling

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by Kuan Zhou, Apr 24, 2004.

  1. Kuan Zhou

    Kuan Zhou Guest

    I found circuit design houses often have groups doing library design
    and modeling. What are they doing? What skills are needed?

    Thank you!

    Kuan Zhou, Apr 24, 2004
  2. Kuan Zhou

    Xiaofeng Guest

    for circuit reuse. to finish a project in time, a designer will focus
    on important blocks and get the regular blocks, e.g. opamp, comparator
    from the library directly.

    Xiaofeng, Apr 25, 2004
  3. Kuan Zhou

    Kuan Zhou Guest

    So it means every time when the technology changes, the library must be
    remodelled and relayouted?
    What are those important tools to do such kind of jobs?

    Kuan Zhou
    ECSE department

    Kuan Zhou, Apr 25, 2004
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