What is cdsParams(1,2,...) ???

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by crazyjoe2009, Feb 2, 2009.

  1. crazyjoe2009

    crazyjoe2009 Guest


    I was trying to make some edits in a symbol in a PDK, when I saw on
    the symbol cdsParam(1), cdsParam(2), ... what is that?

    Is it a predefined (by number?) parameter that can be programmed from
    CDF file?

    Must any CDF parameter be mapped to a cdsParam(n) that is previously
    placed on the symbol?

    I cannot understand that at all... :-(

    Really appreciate your help!

    Regards, Joe
    crazyjoe2009, Feb 2, 2009
  2. Joe,

    In the CDF for a component, there are some parameters which control label
    display. In IC5141, if you do Tools->CDF->Edit CDF, fill in the component info,
    and scroll down to the "Interpreted Labels Information" section (in IC613 this
    is a tab on the form).

    Within this there are fields such as paramLabelSet, opPointLabelSet,
    modelLabelSet. These list the names of parameters which will be displayed (in
    order) in these cdsParam(n) interpreted labels - depending on whether you
    are displaying entry parameters, op point, or model parameter info.

    You can have as many labels as you want on the symbol.

    You can also use the Edit->Component Display in the schematic editor to
    customize what appears on them

    This is covered in the "Specifying Label Information" section in the Component
    Description Format User Guide <instdir>/doc/cdfuser/cdfuser.pdf


    Andrew Beckett, Feb 2, 2009
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