What is a gdmSpec object? How can I make it?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by pdkguru, Jul 4, 2008.

  1. pdkguru

    pdkguru Guest

    Dear All,

    Hi! I'm trying to rename cell names in the specific library. But I'm
    using the below SKILL sentences

    libList = parseString(str "\n")
    libSpecList = gdmCreateSpecList()
    foreach(lib libList
    spec = gdmCreateSpec(lib "" "" "" "CDBA")
    gdmAddSpecToSpecList(spec libSpecList)

    But I've got the below error message in the CIW.

    *Error* gdmAddSpecToSpecList: argument #1 should be a gdm spec (type
    template = "Gq") - nil

    Does anyone know how to use the 'lib' field in the first argument of
    gdmCreateSpec to make a gdmSpec object? And what is a gdmSpec object?
    I've read the SKILL manual about it, but I didn't understand clearly
    what that means and how to use it.

    pdkguru, Jul 4, 2008
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