what exactly is tilemode?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Jeff Kish, Sep 3, 2003.

  1. Jeff Kish

    Jeff Kish Guest


    Can someone explain to me exactly what tilemode is? I have a third part library that I use to display autocads, and they
    just modified how they operate to switch between tilemodes, and I am afraid I don't know really what tilemodes mean to
    the average user, and if they are autocad only or a general property of a view of a vector document or what.

    Pointers and pointers to help / glossaries are welcome.

    Jeff Kish
    Jeff Kish, Sep 3, 2003
  2. Jeff Kish

    Jeff Kish Guest

    Thanks for your reply.
    So one of my users reports that they are seeing a machine view rather than a paper view. When I "mess" around with
    tilemode in my software, then I can toggle between one and the other. Would this imply that tilemode "on" means you are
    getting just a different viewport? Sorry if this is not descriptive/accurate enough.


    Jeff Kish
    Jeff Kish, Sep 3, 2003
  3. Tilemode on means that the whole screen is completely covered with
    viewports-no spaces (paperspace) between/around them.
    Tilemode off means that there is (/can be) space around, over, and between
    the viewports. This space is paperspace.


    Michael Bulatovich, Sep 3, 2003
  4. Jeff Kish

    Jeff Kish Guest

    With Tilemode toggled one way, we see the "paper view" (I think) which shows a legend and some other sundry information.
    With it toggled the "other" way, which is "off or machine view I think", I only see the parts.

    Thanks again for your time/input.

    Jeff Kish
    Jeff Kish, Sep 3, 2003
  5. Jeff Kish

    SW Guest

    Just had to give it a try,,, talk about a death wish or what!
    I suggest going the other way to explain what tilemode isn't.
    When you see a drawing that has been set up such that you have paperspace,
    and modelspace, paperspace, with a window or viewport which allows you to
    see through to a modelspace drawing surface which can be scaled
    independantly, .... this represents Tilemode Off.
    With tilemode on, you see only those items in modelspace and all paperspace
    information is concealed, (not deleted, just concealed).
    I've used tilemode ON in the past if I've had a drawing with a whole pile of
    viewports or other paperspace information that was slowing a drawing down.
    However, now that Acad2000 and onward have a modelspace tab on the left hand
    side, going into this modelspace is, to me quite similiar as having tilemode
    Hope this helps.

    library that I use to display autocads, and they
    afraid I don't know really what tilemodes mean to
    view of a vector document or what.
    SW, Sep 14, 2003
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