What corruopts drawings to prevent Command Line Plotting

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Rodney Estep, Oct 29, 2004.

  1. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    Dear All,
    I have posted a file in Customer Files that is somehow corrupted that
    recover will not fix.
    2004 problem.
    I have written some programs that we use at work that allows the user to
    Plot and Wblock out drawings. For some reason these drawings when opened
    can not be plotted using command line. I thought perhaps my program was the
    culprit but I can not get command line plotting to work even if I am using
    Vanilla autocad. If you do a plot via dialog box then come back to command
    plotting it will then work. I get the same error I I try using Visual Lisp
    to set the current Plotter name before my program gets to this point.
    ????? ;PLOT_ID <<<<<<<<<AUTOCAD CRASHES HERE
    (LIST (NTH 0 ULC) (NTH 1 LRC))
    (LIST (NTH 0 LRC) (NTH 1 ULC))
    (/ 1.0 SHTY_SCL)


    Any help would be greatly apreciated.

    Rodney Estep, Oct 29, 2004
  2. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    Guys, I really need some help on this one.
    Apparently with 2004 when you wblock out files it some how corrupts the
    database? This is crippling the most powerful fature that my software is
    intended for.
    Rodney Estep, Oct 29, 2004
  3. Jimmy Bergmark, Oct 30, 2004
  4. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    Figures, we were forced to upgrade to 2004. Now we have pay for additional
    ugrade to be able to do something that we were able to do with R2000.
    Perhaps there is a patch that will fix this.

    Rodney Estep, Oct 30, 2004
  5. Look at it this way: You're going to be forced to
    upgrade to AutoCAD 2005, regardless.
    Tony Tanzillo, Oct 31, 2004
  6. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    All need to be able to do is catch or fix a problem before I command line
    plot. The funny thing is that if you change the page set-up for the model
    space tab before you try to command line plot the error is fixed.
    I tryed using this method, but the results are the same.
    (setq LayoutObj (vla-get-ActiveLayout
    What is the dialog based plot command doing? Is there some kind of vl error
    handler that can step over the fatal error?

    I agree that we will have to upgrade , but fatal errors should have patches.
    I sale my own software, when my customer contacts me with a problem I fix it
    ASAP and send it to them. I just was venting,
    Rodney Estep, Oct 31, 2004
  7. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    Thanks for the help I will give this try.

    Rodney Estep, Nov 2, 2004
  8. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    This did not fix the problem.
    This is the error that I get Via: "AutoCad Error-abort" alert box "Error
    handler re-entered Existing Now
    Error message at command line: ;error: Exception occurred: OEX0000001x

    I know that I can copy and paste the data into a new file to get around
    this, but from a risk/time stand point this is not an option. If I right
    click on the model tab and change the page set-up this error somehow gets

    What I am searching for is a means to add somthing to my programs will do
    the same thing as manualy going into the page set-up.
    I am at my wits end so if you having any other ideas I would be greatly


    Rodney Estep, Nov 2, 2004
  9. Rodney Estep

    Rodney Estep Guest

    You get a similar but error if you try to preview this drawing.
    Interestingly enough r2000, does not have this problem.

    Rodney Estep, Nov 5, 2004
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