What comes after NC-verilog 5.1 (LDV51)?

Discussion in 'Cadence' started by hol, Sep 27, 2004.

  1. hol

    hol Guest

    Working with a partner corporation (that internally uses
    NC-Verilog 5.1), we're disappointed with NCVerilog's
    Verilog-2001 compliance. It seems to be behind Modeltech's
    Modelsim and Synopsys's VCS.

    What's Cadence next great product after LDV51?
    hol, Sep 27, 2004
  2. The current release is IUS53 - the name of the stream was changed
    from LDV to IUS (Incisive Unified Simulator). In fact IUS54 will be
    out before too long as well (not sure when, it's not really my main
    area). Similarly I can't comment on the Verilog-2001 compliance of
    the tool.

    Andrew Beckett, Sep 27, 2004
  3. hol

    Paul F Guest


    The current product is Incisive Unified Simulator, and the current
    release is called IUS5.3.

    There is a datasheet here:


    This states Verilog support of "majority of IEEE1364-2001 extensions",
    so this may get you further than LDV5.1.

    Good luck,

    Paul F, Sep 27, 2004
  4. hol

    fogh Guest

    Oh boy ... I feel like screaming.... AM I THE ONLY ONE TO BE FED UP WITH THOSE CHEESY NAME DANCES ??
    fogh, Sep 30, 2004
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