What Can Be Done With ACIS R12

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by jon banquer, Nov 13, 2003.

  1. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest


    "We used the Concepts Unlimited beta release as part of our F-35 project,"
    said George Irving, Aeronautical Engineer Senior Staff for Lockheed. "So far
    we've had incredible results, especially in regard to translation. Its
    translation capabilities are so efficient and accurate that word has spread
    through the company-we're now receiving problem files from other departments
    to be translated through Concepts Unlimited! We are so impressed that we are
    adding more seats shortly."

    Concepts offers a free demo that can be dowloaded at:


    Concepts sells for $995

    Concepts blows the freaking doors off a low level solution like Rhino !

    Spatial Corp, creater of ACIS is a Dassault Systèmes company. ;>)

    jon banquer, Nov 13, 2003
  2. jon banquer

    Jerry Jones Guest

    How long have you been using this program?
    Jerry Jones, Nov 13, 2003
  3. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    How many posts has made to usenet ?

    According to Google that number would be zero.

    How about:

    You try Concepts for yourself and then come back here and post why
    it does not blow to doors off Rhino as I have said it does
    or post why this is not an excellent example of how much
    better rounded ACIS is than Parasolid.

    Next troll.... :>)

    jon banquer, Nov 13, 2003
  4. Just answer the question, Jon. How long you been using it and what
    have you designed with it??

    BTW, I've been playing with it and it is lame, imho. It reminds me a
    lot of Vellum3D and it is DOG SLOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll say it again, IT IS DOG SLOW!!!!

    Paul Salvador, Nov 13, 2003
  5. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    "It reminds me a lot of Vellum3D"

    Do you think that might be because Vellum Cobalt was written
    by Tim Olson as well ?


    "IT IS DOG SLOW!!!!"

    Lockheed likes it. They really, really like it. :>)

    Is it better that SolidWorks fails faster compared to
    Concepts which may not be quite as fast but doesn't
    fail ? :>)

    In regards to your complaints, how about taking a page out
    of my book and posting all the specific things you don't
    like about Concepts just like I do with SolidWorks. Do
    you need me to again list all the issues I have with
    SolidWorks ? ;>)

    I note that you feel that Concepts maybe *just a little bit
    to slow*. What operations in Concepts do you find *just a
    little bit to slow*, Paul ? :>)

    I use to have a Basset Hound. He was *just a little bit to
    slow* but ya know I really loved that dog.... probably a
    lot like you have always loved Anne Brown. :>)

    I think many people will like Concepts and find it
    significantly easier to use in many situations that require
    surfacing compared to Rhino or SolidWorks.

    BTW, Paul how did you first hear of Concepts...
    be honest now. :>)

    jon banquer, Nov 13, 2003
  6. I will not answer any of you question because you are NOT a user and I
    would only be feeding a demo testing troll.

    But I will say, no shit sherlock on who created the program and any demo
    testing troll can tell it is slow.

    The clueless bs continues.....
    Paul Salvador, Nov 13, 2003
  7. Paul Salvador, Nov 13, 2003
  8. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    I will not answer any of you question...

    After all these years I would not expect anything else. ;>)

    BTW, I enjoy not answering any of yours either. :>)

    Have fun with Concepts !!!

    jon banquer, Nov 13, 2003
  9. jon banquer

    Jerry Jones Guest

    You NEVER used this program to design ANYTHING. At least Paul posted a link
    to his design.

    Got any press releases on the new broom you've been using at work? You
    know... the one that blows the doors off of blah blah blah.
    Jerry Jones, Nov 13, 2003
  10. jon banquer

    jon banquer Guest

    Here is a list of Concepts features:


    .. Same intuitive user interface for
    2D and 3D tools

    .. Snaps for intelligently locating x y
    z coordinates, tangents, and

    .. Concept Explorer to examine and
    modify associative relationships and
    construction history

    .. Customizable key short cuts

    .. Prompt Window for prompting
    designer through commands

    .. Data Entry Window for explicit
    creation and modification of

    .. Object show/hide tools

    .. Layers and Sub Layers

    .. Tool Tips

    .. User defined views, work planes,
    and pen styles

    .. Precise kernel serves as foundation
    for NURB and analytic based
    geometry definitions

    .. Points, Lines, Arcs, Circles,
    Ellipses and Conics

    .. Splines construction methods of
    Through point, Control Point,
    Bezier, On Surface, and Sketch

    .. Add, remove, elevate, smooth
    spline control points

    .. Dynamic modification of position
    and tangencies

    .. Dynamic curvature plots

    .. Project curve to plane

    .. Best in class offset, trim and
    relimit curve tools

    .. 2D Fillet, Chamfer, and Corner

    .. 1 & 2 Rail Sweep

    .. Extrude by Vector

    .. Cover (Coon's and N-Sided)

    .. Skin, Skin with Guides, and Skin
    with Draft

    .. Nets (MxN curve networks)

    .. Offset

    .. Blend with user defined takeoff

    .. Fillet

    .. Rebuild, Elevate, & Join

    .. Thicken

    .. Match G1 or G2

    .. Trim and Untrim

    .. Associativity for all creation and

    .. Gaussian, Zebra, Draft Analysis

    .. Best in Class Filleting and
    Chamfering Tools

    .. Shelling

    .. Extrude, Sweep, Lathe

    .. 1 & 2 Rail Sweeps

    .. Protrusions and Cutouts

    .. Booleans (Add, Subtract, Union).

    .. Trim and Split

    .. Stitching and Healing with user
    defined tolerances

    .. Primitives

    .. Holes

    .. Lofting between Faces

    .. Parametric Features

    .. Associative History Tree

    .. Deform Face

    .. Remove, Offset, Move, Replace,
    Match Face

    .. Bend and Bend Along Curve

    .. Draft Faces

    .. Generate drawings automatically
    from 3D models from templates

    .. Pen Weights, Patterns, Styles

    .. Horizontal, Vertical, Radial,
    Diametric, Center Marks, Leaders,
    Callouts, Angular Dimensions

    .. Tolerances and User Settings for
    Dimension Attributes

    .. Stacked, Dual, Fractions

    .. Hatching and Fill Patterns

    .. Bill of Materials

    .. Text (Normal, Angle, Path)

    .. Raytracing with Anti-Aliasing

    .. Unlimited Point, Spot, and distant

    .. Adjustable soft and hard shadows

    .. Drag and Drop from Material

    .. Backgrounds & Foregrounds

    .. Material Editor for controlling
    reflectance, color, displacement,
    transparency, and texture space

    .. Walk Through, Fly By

    .. QuickTime Object VR

    .. QuickTime Panoramic VR

    .. QuickTime Event Recording
    Data Exchange

    .. DXF/DWG

    .. SAT, IGES, STEP

    .. CATIA v4

    .. Adobe Illustrator (up to v9)

    .. Rhino Import

    .. STL

    jon banquer, Nov 13, 2003
  11. Typical coward.


    Paul Salvador, Nov 13, 2003
  12. ...and copy/paste coward.

    Paul Salvador, Nov 13, 2003
  13. jon banquer

    hoser_71 Guest

    I think JB touts every software package out there so if it takes off
    he can say he was behind it.
    hoser_71, Nov 14, 2003
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