What AutoCad to buy for a student byt to create 3D and make animations?

Discussion in 'AutoCAD' started by Raymond H., Mar 31, 2005.

  1. Raymond H.

    Raymond H. Guest

    For a student who seeks to know which Autocad software to buy. It
    studies at the school the AutoCad software. I saw on Internet that there is
    several kind of AutoCad. One wonders which it must buy oneself so that Ca
    coute not too expensive. There is licence for students. The problem is that
    one does not know too the difference between AutoCad. It would like AutoCad
    which makes 3d and animation of the objects 3d. Which software is preferable
    to carry out this? 3d and to animate the objects. But not expensive and for
    student. Legally.
    Thank you.
    Raymond H., Mar 31, 2005
  2. Raymond H.

    R.K. McSwain Guest

    Hard to cover this topic in two paragraphs, but -----

    You could get the educational version of AutoCAD. Not sure of the cost.
    *BUT* if you even *think* you might draw something that you might want
    to use again in the future - this is NOT the route to go - anything done
    in the edu version includes an plot stamp saying so - and it gets
    carried over to any other AutoCAD version - like a virus.

    You might also look into IntelliCAD - there are several versions out
    there - maybe in the $100 - $500 range - which are very much like
    AutoCAD, so you could learn on Icad and then move up to ACAD later.
    Drawings made with Icad are compatible with AutoCAD and vice-versa. Of
    course there is TurboCAD, FelixCAD, and many other programs similar to
    AutoCAD for much less than AutoCAD.

    Animations is another story for someone else.
    R.K. McSwain, Mar 31, 2005
  3. Raymond H.

    Chris Gyotar Guest

    3D is best reserved for Viz or 3DS Max, I'm not sure if Acurender does 3D
    animation but I assume it must do some general walk through's. All of these
    are pretty much out of the range of a normal student. In all honesty you
    are better off downloading the better software now and learning it, and by
    the time you are out of school the software will be out of date and you can
    purchase a legal version. If you aren't making money off the software then
    I don't see why you can't learn on it.

    Good Luck
    Chris Gyotar, Mar 31, 2005
  4. Raymond H.

    Sporkman Guest

    All suggestions so far heading in the wrong direction, IMHO. Trying to
    learn 3D in AutoCAD is like trying to use a unicycle for a cross-country
    tour. Certainly IntelliCAD is a good choice if you're only going to
    learn 2D drafting . . . the commands are essentially identical, and so
    is the file structure. But FORGET 3D with AutoCAD (or any AutoCAD clone
    on the market). It MAY be that AutoDe$k has a student version of
    Inventor (3D solids) that includes regular 2D AutoCAD, and which is
    affordable. But I rather doubt it. SolidWorks DOES have a student
    version and SolidWorks 2005 INCLUDES a drawing program licensed from the
    IntelliCAD people. You've got 2D and very powerful 3D . . . much more
    useful and likely to be actually used in industry than is 3D AutoCAD.

    Mark 'Sporky' Stapleton
    Watermark Design, LLC
    Sporkman, Apr 2, 2005
  5. Raymond H.

    deimos Guest

    AutoCAD solids aren't the best, but if Rhino3D has a lot of similarities
    in the interface and object creation methods as Autocad, it's also much
    cheaper and excellent for part creation. They sell a decent renderer
    too, but you can just as easily export to a raytracer like POV-Ray or
    Yafray. Good price, excellent modeling.

    deimos, Apr 3, 2005
  6. Raymond H.

    Sporkman Guest

    BTW, I've been told that the Student Edition of SolidWorks is only $99.
    Sporkman, Apr 10, 2005
  7. Raymond H.

    candycigars Guest

    Yes, I have been taking the same kind of class and for 3D we use
    Solidworks. It's a good program.
    candycigars, Apr 10, 2005
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