WF2 - Mechanical

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by AB, Aug 19, 2006.

  1. AB

    AB Guest

    I am using the evaluayion version of WF2,
    and is working on some tutorials.

    I find it difficult to place compont, it seems like i just
    can use a few connections and then the "+" button grays out
    and then the part is only partially connected.

    Is this bug or just user error ?
    Is it possibel to get a bugfix for this WF2 version ?

    I am using a 3 year old PC, and will now buy a new for around
    800£ / 175 £.
    Any tips on graphic cards in the 100£ price range ?

    AB, Aug 19, 2006
  2. AB

    Jeff Howard Guest

    Which tut? Curiosity, but if others
    could and would reference the same
    doc it would enhance communication
    if there's need to dig deeper.
    First off: "Connections" or "Constraints"
    (Place tab or Connect tab)?
    I think it's a bug. I'm using an early build of
    WF2 (M010) and that happens whereas I don't
    remember it being an annoyance in whatever build
    of WF I used prior. Couple of things to do: [1]
    uncheck Allow Assumptions (or whatever it is) and
    [2] go to the Move tab of the comp placement
    dialog, click on Translate, go back to the Place
    tab and "+" should be active again. I don't
    understand why that happens, but doubt it's a
    user error thing as Pro/E's documentation (WF
    Help, WF2 may have changed?) encourages the use
    of redundant constraints, over constraining so
    there's no logical reason for the "+" to go
    inactive. Maybe something to do with the
    Mechanism Design module?
    If there's a fix it might be in a later build of WF2.
    Talk to whoever you got the eval from. Isn't it possible
    to get WF3 eval yet or do you intend to settle into WF2
    for a while if you go with it?
    Jeff Howard, Aug 19, 2006
  3. AB

    David Janes Guest

    Also, for some reason, lately, I'm starting out in the Move input page instead
    Place. I see an outline of the part and can move the component around. But then,
    to get anywhere, you have to left click the mouse to "drop" the component. Then
    switch to the Place page. It's probably some setting in that I haven't
    found yet.

    On the assumption that you're trying to create mechanism Connections, I have a
    suggestion: create ordinary component constraints then convert them to
    Connections. Say you want a Pin type connection ~ as ordinary component
    constraints, that Insert and Align. Uncheck the Allow Assumptions box and the
    Convert Constraints to mechanism connections icon should activate. This is a
    troublefree way of making connections and should say at thebottom "Connection
    Definition Complete".
    First, the eval release is on a timed license for something like 6 months, not
    upgradeable, no newer versions. You're supposed to buy the real thing and
    maintenance which let's you upgrade, continuously, with newer builds of whatever
    you've licensed. If you have longer learning/training needs, you need to find a
    school that has it and start taking some classes. Or, at very least, get the
    Student Edition here:
    If you're a student, it's $200 for WF3 (yeah, it's out finally) and $300 for
    personal use.
    Yeah, I got one at a local users' group meeting; PTC was there and handed them out
    with registration so it was free. You might be able to get it or order it online, but their website is so jacked up that none of the links they show for
    support and information work. You get redirected to the educational section which
    has an faq on installing the eval version but nothing on how to obtain it. Classic
    PTC. It's probably buried somewhere. Anyway, try this url, listed on the eval
    jacket: or
    David Janes, Aug 20, 2006
  4. AB

    David Janes Guest

    David Janes, Aug 20, 2006
  5. AB

    David Janes Guest

    Which one!?! I've got some onboard crap with this mobo and it's really light
    on OpenGL., plus only 64M of shared memory. Ugh! Need a good nVidia card to
    softquadro to quadro fx.

    David Janes

    David Janes, Aug 28, 2006
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