wf2 hiding components question

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Jason L, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    Is there a way to hide components and bring up the assembly drawing without
    those components hidden in the drawing?

    Jason L, Jun 14, 2005
  2. Jason L

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    Not sure in WF as I am on r2001, but instead of hiding from the model
    Add the componet to a new layer and hide that layer , then it will show
    in your drawing

    there is also a config option... draw_layer_overrides_model
    which may let you go the other way around
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 14, 2005
  3. Jason L

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    But you have to do it in the assy....blank is the proper term not hide
    If you do it in the drawing then it doesn't show in the drawing
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 14, 2005
  4. Jason L

    Jeff Howard Guest

    You might also look into hiding or excluding them in a rep. If the drawing
    isn't based on the rep it won't be disturbed.
    Jeff Howard, Jun 15, 2005
  5. Jason L

    dakeb Guest

    No, use a simplified rep.
    dakeb, Jun 15, 2005
  6. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    In Wildfire 2 there is a hide command, but I understand what you are saying
    as I have used 2000i for several years. Thanks anyway cad/cam/guy.
    Jason L, Jun 15, 2005
  7. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    Thanks everyone...but I was just hoping for a config option or something
    because I just find it annoying when going back and forth between an
    assembly I am working on and the drawing....guess simplified reps is the
    only way...oh well.....
    Jason L, Jun 15, 2005
  8. Jason L

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    So if you add the componet to a layer in the assy. and blank the layer
    in the assy , now it doesn't show in the drawing also. Just did it in
    r2001, not there in the assy, but there in the assy. drawing.

    There is again in r2001, the view>model setup>componet display>create
    and you can create different vis modes ..not showing different
    componets in the assy. but they do show in the drawing... which is a
    lot like a simp. rep liitle easier on the settings...let me guess..gone
    in WF :)
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 15, 2005
  9. Jason L

    Jeff Howard Guest

    ...which is a lot like a simp. rep liitle easier on the

    Not sure I'm following, but the equiv in WF might be a view "style".

    To go off on a tangent; working large assemblies I've found the resolution
    times to be pretty long when Hiding and UnHiding components (might be my
    antiquated hardware.) I've gotten in the habit of using simp reps and
    excluding or restoring the components. It's proven faster and without
    unwanted side effects. I've only recently started using the view styles
    and haven't tried them on large assy's yet. (For what little it might be
    Jeff Howard, Jun 15, 2005
  10. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    Cad/Cam/Guy can still do it that way but I didn't want to have to do that
    much. Right now in WF2 you can use your mouse to click on any part in an
    assembly and then right click "hide" and it dissappears. It is great when
    working on a large assembly when you only want components out of the way for
    the moment, without creating layers or simplified reps. The only drawback is
    that when you toggle back to your drawing the parts are blanked there too.
    So before you print your drawing you have to make sure all components are
    Jason L, Jun 15, 2005
  11. Jason L

    Jason L Guest

    Cad/Cam/Guy can still do it that way but I didn't want to have to do that
    much. Right now in WF2 you can use your mouse to click on any part in an
    assembly and then right click "hide" and it dissappears. It is great when
    working on a large assembly when you only want components out of the way for
    the moment, without creating layers or simplified reps. The only drawback is
    that when you toggle back to your drawing the parts are blanked there too.
    So before you print your drawing you have to make sure all components are
    Jason L, Jun 15, 2005
  12. Jason L

    cad/cam/guy Guest

    I see what your saying... well why not mapkey view>unhide all along
    with a print mapkey... so it will always show everything
    prior to printing... can't say for WF but in r2001 if I hide in assy
    and unhide all in drawing they come back
    One less thing to have to remember ... that's always good :)
    cad/cam/guy, Jun 16, 2005
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