finally loaded M030... The stuff I noticed in a really quick look: They pretty'd up the install screens, got the splash screen to stop coming up twice, Added an UNDO!!!! AND they added another button click to get into the sketcher!!?? I guess this could be quicker if you already had a sketch??? I used to have a map key to get into the sketcher... wonder if I can still do that. From my standpoint they have made NO progress in the Mechanica install department. I think the install should make it EASY to get this working. I installed Mechanica first, but I must have skipped the step where I tell it where that's installed. (why can't it just find it?) The Pro/E install did notice where WF1 was installed.. but I wanted to be able to run either, so I created a new directory. It'd be nice if it would find all the config files and copy them over too. Time to write some enhancement requests... -meld