WF/WF2 with less flaws?

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by Michael Westphal, Aug 7, 2004.

  1. Hello folks,

    As we all know, Pro/E could be a very powerful tool, if there weren't so
    many flaws in it's mathematical core (e.g. skeched curves will always jump
    and cause errors on the subsequent features, if a dimension is changed)

    For WF and WF2 did they turn their attention to the correction of this flaws
    or only to catching up with the competition in terms of an intuitive user
    interface in their new WF and WF2 ?

    Thanks for your comments!

    best wishes,

    Michael Westphal, Aug 7, 2004
  2. Michael Westphal

    Jeff Howard Guest

    As we all know, Pro/E could be a very

    Sure they did. No they didin't.

    How about isolating one of the flaws, get an eval version, test and let us know
    how if it works better?

    Seriously, this sounds like something a used car salesman would put on the
    table. If there's some specific "mathematical flaw" or, maybe, user problem
    you'd like to discuss...?
    Jeff Howard, Aug 7, 2004
  3. Michael Westphal

    Pete Guest

    What? Huh? Sketched curves will always 'jump' if a dimension is
    changed. IF you've constrained a subsequent feature to the feature
    which you've just modified, it is going to be affected. That's the
    whole point; it is SUPPOSED to influence subsequent features. That is
    why the call it a history-based, parametric modeller. That's why the
    model tree has a hierarchy, not a flat structure. If your subsequent
    features fail, that is your fault for not building in the proper
    DESIGN INTENT. ProE is working exactly as it should, and how a
    designer should expect it to.

    Just because Solidworks, et al, does not enter a resolve mode when
    you've botched something up (it just puts a red flag on the features
    that have problems and freezes them) doesn't mean that poor design
    intent has not screwed up that model too. It is to their detriment
    that they do not essentially force the designer to fix the mistake.

    I am not saying ProE is perfect; in fact it is far from it. But it's
    problems are really more to do with the GUI than the core. And I
    believe that most of the GUI problems are directly tied to the fact
    that PTC has committed to maintaining both a Unix and a Windows-based
    version of the same piece of software. This has forced them to have
    to write their own libraries (.dll files) instead of using the 'stock'
    Microsoft ones so that it is compatible on Solaris/Linux/HP-UX/AIX and
    Windows 2000/XP/XP64. And to be frank, they're not very good at
    writing their own libraries. Every time Microsoft decides to alter
    some of the 50 million lines of code underpinning Windows, a myriad of
    unintended consequence ensue. One has only to look at the problem of
    window-flipping with the Menu Manager to see its effect. Sometimes
    everything's working fine and then the next datecode comes along and
    you're hunting for that dialog box that is underneath the model window
    and won't come to the fore. Native Windows libraries do not suffer
    this problem because they are all 'click to select' not 'point to
    select' like Unix Motif-based systems. There is an inherent conflict
    in how these two systems respond to cursor movement and PTC is
    struggling to straddle the fence.

    The same goes for fonts in detail mode. Since they can't rely upon
    Windows .ttf files (since they don't exist in Unix), they are somehow
    scanning them on the fly and rasterizing them. If you don't believe
    me, print a Solidworks drawing to a PDF file and do the same with
    ProE. You can select the text AS text in SW but in ProE, it is all
    'image'. And don't even look at the file size of the ProE PDF file;
    setting the detail font to Times New Roman produces a truly humongous
    PDF file.

    Pete, Aug 8, 2004
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