WF 3

Discussion in 'Pro/Engineer & Creo Elements/Pro' started by David Janes, Mar 11, 2006.

  1. David Janes

    David Janes Guest

    David Janes, Mar 11, 2006
  2. David Janes

    jon_banquer Guest

    The questions I have at the moment:

    Will it be good enough to retake seats lost to SaladWorks ?

    Will the CAM end be fast enough to compete with say Gibbs for
    production work ?

    Will PTC continue to offer massive discounts and include CAM ?

    Is 50 percent of functionality converted to Dashboard good enough ?

    Jon Banquer
    Phoenix, Arizona
    jon_banquer, Mar 11, 2006
  3. David Janes

    Cliff Guest

    Will he ever know what any of it is?
    Cliff, Mar 12, 2006
  4. David Janes

    tallywhacker Guest

    All 35 of them? No. If those 35 had it to do over again they'd switch to
    Alibre because it will do what they need for less than $2,000 US.

    That is, of course, a facetious statement but unless you can provide some
    substantiated or at least industry accepted numbers what's the point of the
    question? To create an illusion?
    Compete in what way? "Compete" is a word the ignorant love to use while they
    are incapable of comprehending the nature of the competition. Instead of asking
    something so vague why not initiate a discussion polling Pro/E users about their
    experiences regarding native vs. third party applications for a specific type of
    "production work"? Anything offered by non-users; e.g. "I looked at it once",
    "I used it years ago", etc., is worthless. When it's all done and collated you
    will still be just as confused by the big picture but you can at least examine
    the details for relevant tidbits.
    That's an extremely stupid question. Anyone knows it depends on goals never to
    be known by end users and market variables not yet defined.
    Another vague, stupid question. Wildfire and Wildfire 2.0 converted enough
    functions so an archaic UI won't contribute to the terminal intimidation of new
    users; be they from the grassy pastures of AutoCAD users grappling with
    parametric 3D as well, or those bumping the low end capability ceiling. WF3 is
    probably the culmination of a focused effort to modernize the UI. What happens
    next depends on the goals and variables mentioned above.

    Based on the nature of your questions I forecast you will not be impressed by
    WF3. Microsoft considers the learning impaired sector of the market worth
    developing for. High end design and manufacturing software vendors can not and
    will not.

    BTW, What IS a Banquerite? It appears to me you're comprehension of the subject
    matter would be rivaled by an intelligent fifth grade student.
    tallywhacker, Mar 12, 2006
  5. David Janes

    Cliff Guest

    Anybody want to tell him?
    Sound reasoning.
    Cliff, Mar 12, 2006
  6. David Janes

    Sporkman Guest

    tallywhacker wrote a lot of stuff apparently related to the Cliffy and
    Jon show:
    Well, although I can't see the beginning of this thread, apparently
    because my two least favorite posters (who I seem to have successfully
    filtered out entirely for quite a while now -- yay!!) were the
    participants, the flavor of this post is such that I'm tempted to filter
    this person out also. If someone will confirm that the author is either
    Cliffy or Jon I'll *plonk* this person also. I'll warrant that the less
    we hear of this kind of stuff the happier we'll all be.

    Sporkman, Mar 13, 2006
  7. Who cares? Plonk anyway.

    I wonder, though, why you'd read a post titled WF3?
    You don't really think you will learn anything about it reading Usenet, do you?
    See above and I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly..
    nameless nobody, Mar 13, 2006
  8. David Janes

    peterbrown77 Guest

    Babbleon Jon asked:
    Of course. Since the CAD/CAM market is saturated, any new sales have
    to come from somewhere. This is truly a zero-sum game, especially in
    the US. The corollary is that it will also be BAD enough to lose seats
    to Solidworks. (BTW, lose the stupid "Saladworks" moniker. While it
    may have been cute in '97 it is trite now.) And since all the vendors
    count their total sales FOREVER as their number of "installed" seats,
    PTC/Dassault/UGS/ will be able to PROVE to you that they have increased
    their market. They will never start subtracting seats from that total,
    say for companies that go out of business.

    production work ?

    Um, yes? It will also be slow enough for Gibbs to compete with PTC.

    No, PTC will discontinue all promotions and discounts. This is the
    best way to achieve market penetration. Just kidding of course. And
    the "CAM" that PTC includes is Prismatic Milling (aka "Expert
    Machinist") which no NC department worth its salt would use due to its
    limitations. The "Complete Machine" option is required.

    A moot point; it is essentially all you will ever get. I have heard it
    personally from the highest source at PTC that the Menu Manager will
    never, ever, ever competely go away. They have already hit the point
    of diminishing returns and there are some features that are so arcane
    and little used that expending the effort to do a Dashboard conversion
    is a waste of resources. Once the NC side has been mostly converted
    (don't be fooled by WF3, they only changed the Mfg Geometry features,
    not the sequences) that will be it.
    peterbrown77, Mar 14, 2006
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