Well You Poor Independent Designers in the US are in trouble!!

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Rocko, Jan 17, 2005.

  1. Rocko

    Rocko Guest

    I received this email today so i though you fellow SW users would get a kick
    out of it or maybe a tear.


    World Engineering Services has been set up to serve international clients
    who could benefit from utilizing India's vast pool of well educated, skilled
    and relatively inexpensive technical manpower from various engineering
    disciplines and having good expertise.

    This 'India-advantage' is already being very effectively harnessed by world
    majors which include engineering companies like GE, Ford, GM, Bechtel,
    Jacobs, Foster-Wheeler, Toyo, Fluor Daniel, Stone & Webster, Halliburton,
    Uhde, Technimont, Cummins, Whirlpool to name a few who have set up
    engineering / R&D centers in India employing thousands of engineers and
    scientists to carry forward their cutting-edge R&D initiatives. At the same
    time, scores of other companies continue to reap the 'India-advantage' by
    off-shoring their engineering activities to professional engineering service
    providers like ourselves. Indian engineers have proven their capabilities
    worldwide in many industries notably design engineering, research and
    development and software services.

    You can get more information on our capabilities by visiting our web site at

    We can offer you 3D solid modeling in Solidworks2005 version as also
    AutoCAD. Modeling on other software platforms is offered through our
    associates. We have experienced engineers and modeling technicians who can
    undertake preparation of models from your sketches / drawings including
    parametric modeling .

    You can view some samples of works done by visiting

    Apart from above, we offer the following engineering services:

    ? Detailing / drafting in civil, architectural, structural and
    mechanical engineering disciplines

    ? CAD and 3D modeling

    ? Structural steel detailing

    ? Engineering analysis (FEA, Piping)

    ? Documentation (O&M manuals, construction drawings, spare part

    I am an engineering graduate from Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay
    (Mumbai). The IIT's are India's best and amongst the world's most respected
    engineering institutes. I have nearly 25 years experience in the engineering
    industry and last held post of Managing Director of Indiana Conveyors Ltd.,
    one of India's best know companies in the field of turnkey bulk materials
    handling projects. Our C.O.O is a Bachelor of Science in Business
    Administration from Boston University and together we bring on board, years
    of experience in handling engineering contracts and managing business

    At WES, we understand the importance of listening to a client's needs and
    expectations. We understand that by outsourcing work to us, they have
    placed a great deal of trust and responsibility on our shoulders, and we
    strive to exceed our client's expectations by enforcing high quality
    standards and procedures.

    We have installed a local US number (646 452 9938) in our office in Mumbai
    so that our customers can contact us without having to make international
    calls. We work till late into the night so that our customers can reach us
    at times convenient to them. We offer our employees above industry
    salaries, a fun and pleasing atmosphere to work in so that it contributes to
    higher productivity. We also have an FTP site so that drawings can be
    downloaded and uploaded quickly between our clients and us.

    We would appreciate hearing from you about the path forward leading to a
    mutually beneficial business association.

    Thanking you in anticipation,

    Best regards,

    Ashok Malik

    Rocko, Jan 17, 2005
  2. Rocko

    tony kujawa Guest

    Too bad those dirt floor c-suckers have NO common sense whatsoever.
    tony kujawa, Jan 17, 2005
  3. Rocko

    HumanAmp Guest

    Totally disagree with last comment (by Tony Kujawa)...... we in the
    west are far too complacent, cynical and frankly lazy..... I am
    continually impressed by Eastern and Far Eastern engineering folk ...
    hard working, fast learning and with TOTAL enthusiasm for the subject
    HumanAmp, Jan 18, 2005
  4. Rocko

    tony kujawa Guest

    Then go work over there for $1 and hour you stupid F-ing scab piece of shit.
    You must be management or h.r. scum.
    tony kujawa, Jan 18, 2005
  5. Rocko

    jjs Guest

    I am always amazed when I see these sort of articles that it is always
    engineering jobs etc that go to India and China , but not management

    I can only speak about India - but I would expect other jobs to go
    there too. Such as legal work - The legal code in India is based on
    the English system and so is the USsystem, so there would not be much
    retraining needed. While presently access to justice is very
    expensive in the UK and US , once Indian lawyers get in on the act, we
    will all be able to afford to go to court !! and speeking from
    experiance, Indian lawyers are very patient and can make a case drag
    out for yours and years !!!! and they only charge in Rupees ;-)

    Stockbroking and other banking jobs could go there once the Bombay
    stockmarket grows and has a track record on the open market. It is
    only ten years since India's financial institutions were freed up to
    global markets.

    Any way for some scary lunch time reading

    Will the price of SW drop for those of us outside the US?

    jjs, Jan 18, 2005
  6. Rocko

    Twit Guest

    Bzzzt - wrong! He's nothing of the sort.

    Thank you for playing...
    Twit, Jan 18, 2005
  7. Rocko

    HumanAmp Guest

    I would add that our colleagues in the east are also polite, and
    HumanAmp, Jan 18, 2005
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