welds and stress analysis

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by Knotfreak, Feb 15, 2005.

  1. Knotfreak

    Knotfreak Guest

    Is it possible to check welds with cosmos xpress? I am not sure how to
    approach it. I would like to see how two welded tubes distort under stress.

    Knotfreak, Feb 15, 2005
  2. Knotfreak

    P. Guest

    Welds are very difficult to analyze unless you know the residual stress
    remaining after the weld cools. You may also need to use contact if
    there is a space under the weld as frequently happens with fillet
    welds. Neither Cosmos Xpress or CosmosWorks are particularly well
    suited to this.
    P., Feb 15, 2005
  3. Knotfreak

    qwerty Guest

    qwerty, Feb 15, 2005
  4. Knotfreak

    P. Guest

    From the looks of it it needs Cosmos/M to function. Shell models.
    P., Feb 16, 2005
  5. Knotfreak

    pevans Guest

    In aerospace the allowables for weld material is much less than that of the
    parent material, this is to allow for inclusions and cavities in the weld,
    also any unknowns in the final heat treat.
    It may be possible in this case to make an assembly with the welded joint
    being a seperate part with a different material property. never tried it but
    seems like it might work.
    pevans, Feb 16, 2005
  6. Knotfreak

    P. Guest

    It is interesting that it seems to work only with Cosmos/M and Ansys. I
    think that is because they expose nodal results for individual shell
    P., Feb 16, 2005
  7. Knotfreak

    fngkjklm Guest

    We use FEWELD since 4 years. With large models meshed with shells, we can
    add a mechanical analysis of the welds according to AWS standards.
    It's an opened software, we have already modified it to be compatible with
    french standards for example.
    We hope to have it on cosmosworks.

    Please vote to have it available in CosmosWorks.
    fngkjklm, Feb 16, 2005
  8. Knotfreak

    P. Guest

    And NE Nastran
    P., Feb 16, 2005
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