weldments question

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by egangans, Sep 5, 2007.

  1. egangans

    egangans Guest

    So i've just started looking at weldments and they look pretty
    useful. However, the system I'm designing contains many different
    structural members, most of which are not included as predefined
    weldment profiles. Rather than go through and make a whole bunch of
    custom weldments, I was wondering if anybody knows of a site that
    contains custom weldments for download. For instance, standard wood
    members (2X4s, 1X6s, etc), stock steel and aluminum tubing, stock
    aluminum and steel bars, etc. etc.

    This would be SOO helpful!
    egangans, Sep 5, 2007
  2. egangans

    edgans1 Guest

    edgans1, Sep 5, 2007
  3. egangans

    j Guest

    In 2007 if you go to the task pane (this is the tabs that have toobox,
    3D Content Central & Solidworks Content) and choose the SW Content,
    there should be a folder for weldments. This will download the various
    structural profiles for the different standards. Then you can unzip them
    into your weldment folder. As for the lumber, you're probably on your own.
    j, Sep 5, 2007
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