weldment profiles

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by bszotko, Feb 19, 2004.

  1. bszotko

    bszotko Guest

    Does anybody have some steel angle & channel weldment profiles they
    would like to share?

    I don't know why SW would introduce this functionality with no
    Maybe they will update with the next release?

    bszotko, Feb 19, 2004
  2. I can send you our bulk material templates, but I looked at some of the
    weldment documentation and it looks like you have to have an individual file
    for each shape. Is this correct? If so, too bad, because we have all of
    the channel shapes, for example, defined in a single part file as
    configurations. It looks like for us to have all of those available for
    weldments, we would have to break them all out. Comments? We haven't used
    the weldment feature yet, so maybe I'm just missing something.

    Wayne Tiffany, Feb 19, 2004
  3. bszotko

    kenneth b Guest

    profiles are nothing more than library features and need to be individual
    files (.sldlfp)
    kenneth b, Feb 19, 2004
  4. bszotko

    Zander Guest

    Maybe I'm missing something, but there is under the toolbox menu the
    'structural steel' dialogue that contains standard steel profiles?

    Zander, Feb 19, 2004
  5. bszotko

    kenneth b Guest

    yep, that's true. but you have to have toolbox (it's an option $$$).
    kenneth b, Feb 19, 2004
  6. bszotko

    SBC Guest

    Are you refering to 'No libraries' as not have any or the pathically small
    library that comes with SW....??
    SBC, Feb 19, 2004
  7. bszotko

    kenneth b Guest

    i'm referring to "library features".

    for weldments, profiles are created from library features.
    for toolbox, parts are created via different configs (sketch is driven by

    you could use a toolbox part to create "library features" for weldments.
    kenneth b, Feb 19, 2004
  8. bszotko

    Merry Owen Guest

    Weldment profiles are individual Library Features so you will need to
    convert every config of your part libraries. I have attached a macro that
    will do this. Please note that this macro requires that you Save each part
    to a template first - the macro will then run thru the part template and
    convert each config to a separate Library Feature. MACRO WAS CREATED BY MY
    VAR - SHANE PARKER OF INTERCAD - THANKS!! It has one problem - each
    configuration that it creates makes it incrementally larger than it's
    predecessor (e.g. on a 900+ config pipe the config was about 250 KB and the
    last 6500KB) - I believe that Shane fixed this but I don't have a copy of
    the updated macro. Maybe someone out there can give it a bit of a tweak to
    reduce the file sizes.

    To make your weldment profiles 'Smart' you need to add the custom properties
    at the CUSTOM tab and NOT the Configuration tab and if you make these
    properties parametric (i.e. linked to the part dimensions) they will auto
    populate your cut list properties. e.g. I use Description (75x50 RHS) &
    Material (not parametric) - the weldment function will auto create the
    Length property for the cut length.

    Also make sure that you put lots of 'connection points' on your part
    sketch - e.g. on a pipe put a point at each quadrant.

    It is also very important the you create the correct directory structure or
    SW will not display them correctly (it needs to display 2 directories then
    the size).
    E.g. Hot Rolled Section/Equal Angle/


    Merry :)

    ' C:\DOCUME~1\Shane\LOCALS~1\Temp\swx568\Macro1.swb - macro recorded on
    08/27/03 by Shane
    Sub main()

    Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
    Dim Part As SldWorks.ModelDoc2
    Dim longstatus As Long
    Dim longwarnings As Long
    Dim boolstatus As Boolean

    Dim FullPath As String
    Dim PathOnly As String
    Dim vPath As Variant
    Dim TemplateName As String
    Dim vTemplateName As Variant
    Dim NameOnly As String
    Dim ConfigName As String
    Dim ConfigList As Variant
    Dim ThisConfig As Variant
    Dim Skname As String

    Set swApp = Application.SldWorks

    UserForm1.CommonDialog1.Filter = "*.prtdot|*.prtdot"
    FullPath = UserForm1.CommonDialog1.FileName
    vPath = Split(FullPath, "\")
    TemplateName = vPath(UBound(vPath))
    PathOnly = Left(FullPath, Len(FullPath) - Len(TemplateName))
    vTemplateName = Split(TemplateName, ".")
    NameOnly = vTemplateName(0)

    Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(FullPath, 1, 0, "", longstatus, longwarnings)
    Part.SaveAs2 PathOnly + NameOnly + ".sldprt", 0, False,
    Skname = InputBox("Sketch Name: ", "Name of sketch to use in lib
    feature", "Sketch1")
    ConfigList = Part.GetConfigurationNames

    For Each ThisConfig In ConfigList
    ConfigName = ThisConfig

    Part.ShowConfiguration2 ConfigName

    boolstatus = Part.Extension.SelectByID(Skname, "SKETCH", 0, 0, 0,
    False, 0, Nothing)

    Part.SaveAs2 PathOnly + ConfigName + ".SLDLFP", 0, True, False

    Set Part = swApp.OpenDoc6(FullPath, 1, 0, "", longstatus,
    Next ThisConfig

    End Sub
    Merry Owen, Feb 19, 2004
  9. Hi Wayne, Bob, Merry, etal,

    Do this,

    Open a library file that has many configs in it. Named it, "Size"

    Make sure the library file is saved in the proper location such as:

    C:\Program Files\SolidWorks\data\weldment profiles\ansi inch\square

    Return to the size.sldlfp and change to the config you want as a weldment
    profile and SAVE it but do not close it.

    Open a new part file, create the profile sketch, close sketch

    Insert a weldment, structural member,

    Standard = ansi inch
    Type = Square tube
    Size = Size
    Pick your path segment

    Then walaa, you have the profile that was LAST SAVED in your multi
    config-single file!

    Go back to your size.sldlfp and change the config and SAVE the file.

    Start another structural member do same steps above and the profile will be
    the LAST saved profile in the "Size.sldlfp" file.

    That's the work around I found to NOT having save a whole bunch of library

    I hope this helps,

    Dan B.
    Dan Bovinich \(home\), Feb 20, 2004
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