Weldment Profiles & SW Toolbox Structural Shapes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by lmar, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. lmar

    lmar Guest


    SW has a weldment function that allows you to take standard sketch
    profiles and turn them into nifty 3D welded assemblies.

    SW Toolbox has a nifty 3D profile generator of all the common sized
    structural profiles.

    Any suggestions on how to convert the Toolbox Sketches into weldment
    profile sketches?

    I know how to do it manually but I was kinda thinking that in its
    infinite wizdom SW Corporation wouldn't have created two applications
    that can't talk to each other and re-use information.
    But then again, Toolbox doesn't know what to do with different types of
    material. Not that fasteners or the material they use is important to
    the design......hey its not like someone's life may depend on

    "If its so common..... why is sense in such short supply?"

    lmar, Jun 28, 2005
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