Welding of pipes

Discussion in 'SolidWorks' started by ktc, May 4, 2008.

  1. ktc

    ktc Guest

    I want to show welded pipes in assembly. It seems that in SW one has
    to draw the welding bead as part and show it in the assembly with
    proper mating. Am I following the correct method? .
    Is there any other simple method?
    ktc, May 4, 2008
  2. ktc

    TOP Guest

    SW has never handled welds well in real world situations. First SW
    added weld functionality to assemblies and in this situation it would
    create a "weld bead" for you and add it as a component in the
    assembly. However, it did not handle gaps which are frequently
    necessary when providing for fitup and warpage control. It also did
    not handle even slightly complex weld scenarios. And there was the
    issue of revision control and naming of the automatically created bead
    parts. With PDM that is a real big issue. I will have to admit that I
    have explored this functionality since SW made it possible to keep
    parts within the assembly, but my PDM system wouldn't allow that in
    any event.

    Then SW added weld functionality to parts. Although a weldment could
    be created very quickly there seems to be a lack of ability to create
    the gaps necessary in the real world.

    In either case SW would have problems with welds involving plate
    fabrications that had plates that came together at skewed angles,
    something we did frequently.

    The long and short is that I don't make an effort to model the weld
    bead unless there is some special reason like a detailed FEA analysis
    or for an illustration. This is simply due to CAD limitation. I just
    put the callouts in the print.

    TOP, May 4, 2008
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